《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第9期:辣菜
时间:2019-03-27 01:17:52
- Mi amigo Cameron. - Ah, welcome. -那是我朋友卡梅隆 -欢迎光临
- So, carnitas diablos. - Ah, you remember. -照旧点"辣得跳"吧 -你还记得啊
Um, I'll just have the same thing. 也给我同样的吧
No, no, no. You should have the chicken enchiladas. 不不不 你该点鸡肉玉米卷
No, I'll have the carnitas diablos. 不 我也要"辣得跳"
- These are not for you. - Excuse me? -你扛不住的 -你说什么
Miss Gloria's used to it. 歌洛莉亚小姐是因为已经习惯了
Yeah, he's right. 他说的对
I can spice you under the table any day there, sweet thing. 我可以辣得让你震惊到趴下 美女
Dos carnitas diablos, por favor. 就要"辣得跳" 谢谢
Okay. 好吧
Okay. 好吧
- Mitchell! - Of course. What was I thinking? -米奇 止步 -好吧 我妄想什么呢
Dad, can we- can we just go home, please? 爸 我们 能直接回家了吗
You've got to air out first before I let you in that car. 你得先把身上臭气散掉 我才让你进车
I'll never get the
stink2 out. 否则车里的气味永远消不掉
Hey, Jay, is that Venus? 嘿 杰 那是金星
'Cause I can smell the clouds of pure sulfuric acid from here. 我从这儿可以闻到纯硫酸的酸臭气哦
- Slam! - Okay. I-I'd really like to go home now. -躺枪 -好吧 我真得回家了
We'll miss the meteor shower. 我们会错过流星雨的
The trouble is your clothes. 问题出在你的衣服上
Just take them off. I think there's a blanket in the trunk. 脱下吧 车后备箱里有条毛毯