《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第2期:省钱计划
时间:2019-03-27 04:42:28
Plus, with my discount, 还有 因为我有员工折扣
How is spending a ton of money on greeting cards saving us a fortune? 花一大笔钱去买贺卡 哪里算省钱了
It's math. 算算就知道了
It's really not. Look it up. 才不是 我算给你看
2.95. 2.95. 4.95. 2.95美元 2.95美元 4.95美元
- Forty percent off. - 2.95. -六折 -2.95美元
-3.95. - Forty percent off. Forty percent off. -3.95美元 -六折 六折
Mitchell, I got this golf
buddy2 of mine. 米奇尔 我有个高尔夫球友
Great guy. Super successful. You two should talk. 人不错 事业有成 你们找机会谈谈
It could mean a job for you. 没准他有适合你的工作
Oh, thanks, Dad, but I'm- 谢了 爸 但是我
I'm not really looking for anything right now. 我现阶段还没找工作的打算
- But- - Yeah, that's right. -不过 -对 没错
With me bringing home the
bacon3, 有我挣钱养家
Mitchell doesn't have to rush into anything. 米奇尔不急着找工作
Yeah, I know you have all that greeting card "
Screw4 you" Money, 我知道你们那个只要贺卡不要钱计划
but, uh, talk to the guy? 但 跟这家伙谈谈
He's expecting your call in the morning. 我跟他说 你明早会给他电话
Dad, I appreciate it, but in the future- I can't stand this. -爸 我心领了 但以后 -受不了了
I am sorry, but I- 对不起 但是我
No. Those steaks have been done for five minutes. 不行 那几块牛排五分钟前就烤好了
I'm taking 'em off the
grill5. 我得把它们从烤架上夹下来
I'm sorry. I know how it feels 不好意思 你的心情我懂
to have him stick his nose where it doesn't belong. 什么事他都要插上一脚
No biggie. It's just Jay being Jay. 没什么 又不是第一次了
But one day I'm gonna be a grandfather, 总有一天我也会为人岳父
and then everybody better hide their meat. 到时各位最好都把自个儿的"肉"藏好了