《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第8期:像个平民窟
时间:2019-03-28 00:27:51
I know. 我就知道
- I hate our house. - I know. -我们家简直就像贫民窟 -就是
What's- What's this thing? 这是 这是干嘛用的
I don't know, but it's fancy. 不知道 但是很高级
Stop- Stop playing with it. Come on. 别 别在上面跳 来
Just- Don't break it. 别 别弄坏了
- Hey, Mitchell! - Yes. -米奇尔 -是的
- Charlie Bingham. - Nice to meet you. -查理·宾格温 -幸会
- Hi. - This is my partner, Cameron Tucker. -你好 -这是我的伴侣卡梅隆·塔克
- Pleasure. - Cameron. -幸会 -卡梅隆
So, we just went ahead and 我们刚刚直开进来
parked on that round thingy in the driveway. 停在车道那个圆盘上面
- Is that- That's fine, right? - No problem. -这样 没问题吧 -没问题
It's a turntable, so you don't have to back out. 那是转盘 这样你就不用倒车了
You have a car turntable and you're wearing rubber. 你有车用转盘 穿着胶皮衣
You're like Batman. 就像是高富帅蝙蝠侠
I really am. 我还真是
Come on in. 进来吧
Turn the music down! 把音乐关小点
Pardon the get-up. 寒舍 见谅
Killer1 waves today. You guys surf? 今天的浪很棒 你们冲浪吗
Um, only for bargains on the Web. 只网上冲浪 跟卖家讨价还价
Everybody say hi. 大伙打个招呼
- Hi. - Hello. -你们好 -你们好
-Hi. - That's Jolie. -你们好 -这是茱莉
She's head of my Europe division. 我的欧洲分部总监
She cheats at
poker2. You do. 她打牌出老千 你就有
And that's my girlfriend, Jenny. 那边是我的女友珍妮
She makes a hell of a margarita. Want one? 她调的玛格丽塔好极了 来一杯
- Absolutely. - Oh, not right- Okay. -当然要 -不 现在 好