《摩登家庭》第1季第20集 第12期:指挥踢球
时间:2019-03-28 00:31:20
I had enough basketball for one day. 今天真是看够篮球赛了
Oh, I know. Come here, sweetie. 可不是嘛 来 抱抱 小可爱
Oh, sweet thing. You love me and you want me to buy you a dress. 小可爱 你爱我 你要我给你买裙子
Ay. But I'm gonna buy her some shoes first. Mmm. 是 但是我先要给她买几双鞋子
What's that, Lily? Do you want me to buy you a dress? 什么 莉莉 要我给你买裙子吗
She said "Yes." 她说"好"
"Yes"? "好"
She did not say "Yes." 她没说"好"
Okay, "Win" On three. 好 数到三说"胜"
One, two, three- Win! 一二三 胜
Don't forget the pick and roll. 别忘了掩护走位
- These guys won't know how to defend it. - Phil, -对手不知道怎么防 -菲尔
- try not to confuse my boys, okay? - Okay. -别把我的队员搞糊涂了好吗 -好
- I sleep with your daughter. - What? -我睡了你女儿 -什么
Good luck! 好运
All right. Let's go! Let's go! Come on. Let's go! 好 上场 快快快 跑起来
Let's get out there.
Hustle1 up. Get the tip, get the tip. 动起来 快快快 记住我说的
Watch, skip and go. 注意 抢球 走
Oh! All right. Keep the hustle, keep the hustle. 没事 跑起来 跑起来
Come on, boys. Don't let 'em push you around. 加油 小子 别让他们掌握主动
Play defense! 注意防守
and the other team only has two shooters. 对手只有两个投手
Good, Phil, good. Thank you. Good. 好 菲尔 好 谢谢 好
Manny, pay attention! What are you looking at? 曼尼 集中精神 你看什么呢
What? 什么