《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第6期:骚扰电话
时间:2019-03-28 01:02:11
Oh, geez. 天啊
I am telling you, Phil, the man was crying. 我跟你说 菲尔 你爸真哭了
That is impossible. 不可能
My dad is the happiest guy on earth. 我爹是全世界最乐天的人
It probably just sounded like he was crying. 大概是听起来像哭吧
Have you heard the noise he makes when he gets out of a chair? 你听过他从椅子上起身的声响吗
No. I know what I heard. 不 我听得清清楚楚
I think this has something to do with your mom. 我想大概是和你妈有关
- What? - Yeah, he came here alone. Think about it. -什么 -想想看 他是一个人来的
Yeah, and they never take
separate2 vacations, so- 他们从没分开旅行过 所以
No. No, if something was wrong, 不 不可能 如果真有事
my dad would tell me about it. 我爸会告诉我的
No, Phil, he wouldn't, 不 菲尔 他不会说的
because you guys never actually talk about anything. 因为你们从来就没认真聊过
We talk all the time. 我们常聊呢
He crank calls me at work, like, three times a week. 我上班时他一周打三次骚扰电话来
- Crank calls don't count. - Counts for fun. -骚扰电话不算数 -但是算有趣
No, honestly, I think that you should 说真的 我想你应该
find out what's going on with your dad. 搞清楚你爸到底怎么了
It's going to be nothing. 我爸什么事都没有
My dad isn't like your dad. 他又不像你爸
There's nothing deep and dark inside. 他没那些城府 心机之类的
His hard
candy3 shell4 is just hiding more candy. 他甜美外表下隐藏的是更多的甜美
I think he wants to go out. Good boy. 他应该是想出去 好孩子
- Smart dog. - I hate to break it to you, -聪明的狗狗 -不想扫你的兴
but I think all dogs can do that. 不过这招所有狗都会吧
I'm gonna play outside. 我要出去玩