《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第9期:中餐
时间:2019-03-28 01:12:03
Can't take my eyes off that dog for a second. 对这狗一秒钟也不能大意
Why don't you just keep him in the
crate1? 干嘛不把它关笼子里
I tried that. He figured out how to get out. 我关了 他自己会开笼子
I thought you were
dealing2 with your dad. 你不是去找你爸谈话了吗
Oh, yeah, I did. He's fine, so- 没错 我们谈了 他没事
You got that from a two-minute conversation? 你们才谈两分钟就谈好了吗
I... asked him point-blank if he was okay. 我直接问他还好吗
He said he was. So I just- 他说很好 所以我就
swapped3 some jokes and moved on. 结果你们扯了几个笑话 就谈完了
Phil, the man needs more of a push than that. 菲尔 你得更深入地问他
Look, if he wants to talk to me about it, he will. 如果他想谈 他会主动说的
Geez, someone's panties are in a bunch. 有人的内裤搅成一团了
- I thought I was showing concern and- - No. Right there. -我只想表示一下关心 -不 你看
Oh, my God! That damn dog! 我的天 这该死的狗
Guys, little help? 二位 帮帮忙啊
I have to go to the bathroom, and I'm not gonna do it in here. 我要上厕所了 我可不想尿裤子
- Hey, I got Chinese. - Sweet! I'm starving. -我买了中餐外卖 -太好了 正饿着