《摩登家庭》第1季第21集 第14期:有心事
时间:2019-03-28 01:19:32
Well, this is awkward1. 这下可尴尬了
Good luck following that, Ringo. 加油赶超我吧 林戈
undefined undefined
I believe this belongs to you. 这是你们的电线
I don't want to drag the house along with me. 我也不想拖着一房子在后面跑
Come here, you little monkeys. 小猴子们 都过来
Bye, Grandpa. We'll miss you. 再见 爷爷 我们会想你的
I wish I could take you with me. 真希望能把你们一起带走
- Drive safe, Grandpa. - Oh, I'll try. -路上小心 爷爷 -我尽量
You sure you don't want to stay for breakfast? 你真的不留下吃早餐吗
No, I ought to be hitting the road. 不 我该上路了
Well, adios. 再会了
Dad, hold on. 爸 等一下
- Can I talk to you for a second? - Sure. -我能和你谈谈吗 -好呀
Guys. Come on. 宝贝们 我们走吧
I don't think you're being honest with me. 我觉得你没跟我说实话
I- I know something is going on with you. 我知道你有什么事在心上
What's up? 到底是什么事
Something up? Well, my
boxers2 are, uh, riding a little high. 心上 我的内裤倒是提得太上面了
I'm not in the mood for jokes right now, 我没在没心气跟你开玩笑
- although you
nailed3 that. - Thanks. -虽然刚才那句逗死了 -谢谢
- It's nothing. - Oh, it's nothing? -我没事 -没事吗
- Nothing to do with Mom? - No! -不是跟妈有关吧 -不是