《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第1期:像个天使
时间:2019-03-28 01:27:46
Oh, I forgot to ask- Did it hurt? 忘了问了 当时疼吗
What hurt? 什么疼吗
When you fell from heaven and landed on earth. 你从天堂坠落凡间 接触地面的那一刻
I didn't fall from- Ah. 我才没从天堂...
Because I'm an
angel1. 你是说我像个天使
Why are you so sweet? 你嘴巴怎么这么甜
Maybe just 'cause I'm so
damn2 happy. 或许只是因为我心情太好吧
Today's Ja y's birthday, 今天是杰的生日
so I'm taking him to Hawaii for a whole week. 所以我要带他去夏威夷呆上一整个星期
suite3 in Maui. Just the two of us. 茂伊岛的豪华套房 两人的私密空间
Got Manny tied up in the
backyard4. Big bowl of kibble. 把曼尼拴在后院 留一大碗狗食给他
I'm kidding. He's staying with Claire and Phil. 开个玩笑 交给克莱尔和菲尔了
This whole thing was a big surprise. 此次旅行他完全不知情
I did it all myself- the flight, the hotels. 我一手包办 订机票 订酒店
Cost me a fortune, but it was worth it. 虽说花了我不少钱 不过绝对值
In case I forget to say it a few hundred times this week, 尽管说了千万遍 不过还是要再说一遍
thank you. 谢谢你
Happy birthday! 生日快乐
Wh- What the heck? 这 这是搞什么
- Surprise, Dad. - The whole family's coming with us! -惊喜 爸爸 -全家都会跟我们一起去
- They are? - Uh-huh. -真的吗 -没错
Yes, and Mitch and Cameron and Lily too. 没错 米奇尔 卡梅隆和莉莉也来