《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第2期:夏威夷气息
时间:2019-03-28 01:28:23
We're gonna go to a luau, 我们要吃夏威夷野猪宴
swim with the Miami Dolphins, 跟迈阿密海豚一起游泳
take a tour in one of those, the- 坐着那啥啥环游
I don't like activities. 我不爱参加活动
I wanted to hang out with Gloria 我就想跟歌洛莉亚到处转转
and read my Robert Ludlum novels. 读一读罗伯特·勒德拉姆的小说
I got eight of 'em loaded up on my book reader thing here. 我这电子书里存了整整八本
I mean, I love my family. 别误会 我爱我的家人
I love 'em at dinners, I love 'em at barbecues, 共进晚餐啦 吃吃烧烤啦都不错
but do I have to love 'em in Hawaii? 但干嘛非要到夏威夷去啊
Thanks, Daryl. 谢了 达里尔
I know I got a lot of baggage, 我知道自己行李负担不少
but don't worry, I'm seeing a
therapist2. 不过别担心 我在看心理医生
Just kidding. I'm fine. 开个玩笑 我没事
Daryl, I know these guys. 达里尔 我认识这帮人
Can I borrow your hat? This will be
hilarious3. 帽子能借我演个戏吗 肯定会很搞笑
- No. - Okay. -不行 -好吧
Aloha, Uncle Phil! 你好啊 菲尔姑父
You guys excited about the trip? 要去旅行了激动吗
Oh, we're so excited. You know, this is my first time. 激动死了 你知道吗 这是我的第一次
- Really? Yeah, I know it's surprising. -真的吗 -是啊 我知道很不可思议
People always say I scream "Hawaii." 大家总说我弥漫着"夏威夷"的气息
Who says that? 谁说的
- People. - What people? -一些人 -哪些人
You don't know them. 说了你也不认识
- Hey, Lily! Hi. - Oh, no! Oh, n- -嘿 莉莉 嗨 -噢不
I forgot my wallet. 我忘带钱包了