《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第8期:紧张
时间:2019-03-28 01:33:07
It's all about knowing the route. 关键在于要熟悉路线
You're talking to a guy who made his way 你面前的可是靠蹬三轮车
through college by driving a pedicab. 挣学费念完大学的
- You know what one of those is? - Yes. Yes. -知道三轮车是什么吗 -知道知道
I just saw one pass us. 就是刚刚超过我们的那辆
- Quick- Who sang "Evil Woman"? - What? -抢答 《邪恶女人》是谁唱的 -啥
Phil, where the hell are you? 菲尔 你死哪去了
Uh, let's see. Oh, shoot! I just missed my turn. 我看看 靠 转弯口我给错过了
You're supposed to be here with me. 你这会儿理应呆在这陪着我
I told you, I get more and more freaked out 告诉过你的 越是接近起飞
as we get closer to the flight. 我就会变得越抓狂
Well, I know, but Mitch- Okay, you know what? 是的 不过米奇...
I was counting on you to be here, so thanks a lot. 我本来还指望你能陪陪我 真是谢谢你了
Some people are just built that way. 有些人就是天性使然
Honestly, could you drive any slower? 你敢开得再慢一点吗
Guess where the world's largest wind
generator2 is. 猜猜世界最大的风力发电机在哪里
Is it right behind me? 是不是我身后这个
Nope. It's on the island of Oahu. 错 在瓦胡岛上
I'm thinking about using it in my song about Hawaii. 我考虑把它加进我的夏威夷之歌里
What song? 什么歌
- Didn't Mom tell you? - Surprise! -老妈没告诉你吗 -惊喜
The whole family's putting on a show for you for your birthday. 一大家子准备给你的生日弄个汇演助兴
Everybody's performing. Even Phil brought his
dummy3. 每个人都要上台表演 菲尔都把木偶拿来了
Isn't that great? 是不是很棒啊