《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第11期:破窗而入
时间:2019-03-28 01:34:56
What are you doing? 你在干嘛
Just making it a little tougher on the next guy. 提防着下次再有人想破窗而入
You got to get up pretty early- Son of a- 聪明人总是先别人一步 我靠...
- Are you all right? - Yes, I am. -你没事吧 -我没事
Just, uh, almost killed myself on your fire truck. 差点被你们家的救火车搞死
That's not ours. That's Jasper's. 那不是我们家的 是贾斯珀的
You know Jasper? 你们认识贾斯珀
I sold a house to his parents. 他爸妈从我这买过一栋房子
How did you ever get a playdate with him? 你们是怎么约到他来家里玩的
Let's go! Please, can- yeah. Okay. 赶紧走吧 拜托
He's like Leonardo DiCaprio in
Titanic2. 就像泰坦尼克号里的莱昂纳多一样
I bet he goes to art school. 我打赌他一定是艺术院校的
Do you think he's sketching us? 你说他是不是在画我俩呢
Yeah. "Us." 是啊 我"俩"
Check-in for the 5:30 flight to Boston may board at this time. 于5点30分飞波士顿的航班现在开始登机
And contact. 对上眼了
It's Dylan. 是迪兰
"I'm trapped." Yeah, yeah, yeah. What a drama queen. "我被困住了" 哎呦喂 真能折腾
We will go whale washing, 我们要去"浣赏"鲸鱼
explore the tropical forest, 探索热带雨林
get back into the nature. 回归大自然
That sounds fun. Mm-hmm. 听起来不错啊
- Thanks. - Thank you. -谢谢 -不谢