《摩登家庭》第1季第22集 第13期:惊恐万分
时间:2019-03-28 01:38:49
Must be a lot easier just living with a guy. 跟个男人一起生活肯定简单多了吧
Yeah, life would be simpler if I was
gay1. 我要是同性恋 生活肯定简单得多
Do you think you could get in the fast
lane2? 你能不能挤进快车道啊
- Oh, I could totally get in the fast lane. - I mean the road. -我当然能适应了 -我指的是路
Oh, I'm getting a text. What does it say? 我来了条短信 说的什么
Um- Oh, G- Well, it's nothing. It's the alarm company. 哦没啥事 是报警器公司
- It says your house was broken into. - What? -说你家有人闯入 -什么
It's nothing. They'll take care of it. Just drive! 没啥事 他们会处理的 你开你的
What happened? 到底怎么了
Okay, fun airport game. 来玩个有趣的机场游戏
You pick out a traveler, you come up with their entire story. 随便挑一个旅客 虚构他们的整个人生
Okay. This guy, his name's Henry. 比如这个男人 他叫亨利
He's on his way to
Phoenix3 to visit his grandmother, 他准备去凤凰城看他的祖母
whose name is, uh- 祖母名叫...
Oh! Pass. 放弃
- Too hard. Your turn. - Okay. Fine. -太难了 你来 -好的
I see a woman, uh, wracked with fear, 我看见一个女人 她惊恐万分
- Where? Where? Who is she? - Me. -哪里 说谁呢 -我
I made it
perfectly5 clear to Phil that I needed him here. 我跟菲尔说的清清楚楚要他在这陪着我
Oh. It's going around. Mitchell's mad at me too. 我也一样 米奇尔也在生我的气
He thinks because I didn't help him pack this morning, 他觉得就是因为早上我没帮他整理行李
he forgot his wallet. 才让他忘带钱包
I'm-I'm sorry. I'm sorry to be snippy. 对不起 我有一点烦躁
It's just... I'm a little upset with Cam. 我一直在生小卡的气
I needed his help this morning, and he let me down. 早上打包要他的帮忙 结果他却让我失望了