摩登家庭第三季 第48期:曼尼有小秘密
时间:2019-04-01 01:03:01
Hey, Gloria, your show's about to start. Record it. 歌洛莉亚,你爱看的节目要开始了。 录下来吧。
No, the DVR's filling up. Let's just watch and get it over with. 不行,录像机都满了。咱就把它看完算了。
Gloria's always saying we should do more stuff together. 歌洛莉亚总是说我们应该多些夫妻共享时光。
So I agreed to watch this crazy Colombian soap opera she loves. 所以我答应看她喜欢的这部疯狂的哥伦比亚肥皂剧。
"Fuego y hielo." 《肥龟爷髅》。
apparently1, is Spanish for "Big hair and yelling." 显然,就是"长发鬼之乱吼"的西班牙语叫法。
"Fire and ice." It's about human suffering. I relate to it. "水深火热"讲的是人间疾苦。人家可喜欢了。
I'm just saying, the guy's a judge. He can put a shirt on. 我是说,那家伙是个法官。总该穿件衣裳。
Ay, what is that? Oh, nothing. 哎呀,那是什么? 没什么。
That doesn't look like a nothing. What is inside? 那可不像"没什么"哦。里面是什么?
Oh, it's just something I bought. I'm gonna go open it in my room. 只是我买的点东西。我回房间再拆开。
I don't like this. Manny has never kept a secret from me. Don't worry about it. 可不是什么好现象啊。曼尼从来不背着我有小秘密。
What do you think it could be? 你觉得那是什么东西?
Well, right now I'm a little worried it could be the rest of my evening. 我现在担心那东西能让你一整晚烦着我。
Mwah! Bye-bye. Love you. 再见。我爱你。
Hey, Claire, listen. Uh, if you want, some of the moms are gonna stay and watch "Gone with the wind" in my new screening room. I got pinot! 克莱尔,等等。你有兴趣和其他几位妈妈一起共赏《乱世佳人》吗?在我家的新放映室哦。 有葡萄酒喝哦!
I would love to, but I'm not feeling that great, so I'm probably just gonna go home and rest. Plus I've seen that movie. 我很乐意,可我身体不太舒服,所以我还是回家歇着吧。况且我看过这电影了。
No, I never saw "Gone with the Wind," but I have two kids at sleepovers, And Haley's out of town with Phil. 没,我从来没看过《乱世佳人》,但我的俩孩子今晚不回家睡,而且菲尔带海莉去外地了。
That means I have one night to myself, which happens once every never. 所以今晚就我一个人在家,这是千载难逢的好机会啊。
I am not spending it with some gossipy mom who was mean to me in high school. I need a fun night out. Yes. 我可不会去和那帮高中时就跟我有仇的八卦妈妈们混一晚上。今晚我要出去找点乐子。真棒。
What the hell is this? No. I asked you guys for a fun night out, not this. I I I need music and dancing and secondhand smoke. 这是什么鬼地方?不对。我是叫你们带我体验狂欢之夜,不是来这儿。我要的是纵情歌舞,乌烟瘴气。
Oh, please give this place a chance. It's a great value. The room is so
cozy2. And the potpies are to die for. 求你试试这儿吧。绝对超值。这儿环境舒适。肉馅饼好吃得要命。
Are you really comfortable with what you just said? 你不觉得你刚说的那些无聊到死吗?
Come on. What happened to the party people who took me to a
rave3, and I got to wear a tube top, and I stuffed cash in a caged go go boy's speedo(查)? 拜托。我的派对达人是怎么了?你们以前还带我去锐舞派对。让我穿"魔力挺"。我还往艳舞男孩的小内裤里塞钱呢。
We're still party people. Oh, Joanne, before I forget, can I get a punch? One away from a free potpie. 我们依旧是派对达人。乔安,能给我来杯潘趣酒吗(无酒精)?差一杯就能有一份免费馅饼了。
If that was your gay card, it would be
revoked4. 如果那是你们的基佬卡,就该吊销了。
Okay, you know what, Claire? You're being a little high school you. 克莱尔,你知道吗?你有点儿像回到高中时代了。
I am sorry, Mitchell, but I get one free night, And I can't spend it at a place that is a proud supporter of Wilson Elementary. 米奇尔,对不起,但我难得一夜自由,我不能把一晚上浪费在这威尔森小学的荣誉赞助餐馆。