摩登家庭第三季 第49期:开业晚宴
时间:2019-04-01 01:03:41
We all need to give back, Claire. 我们都该回馈社会才对,克莱尔。
Give me back my night. 把大好夜晚"回馈"给我吧。
Okay, well, Longinus did invite us to a boutique opening, you know,
cocktails1, DJ. But it'll it'll be a whole scene, though. 好吧,朗吉纳斯邀请我们去个精品店的开业晚宴,你懂的,有鸡尾酒和音乐。但是会很疯很闹的。
A scene? A scene is perfect. That's great. I will get in the car before you guys change your mind. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. 闹啊?闹好啊。棒极了。趁你们还没改变主意咱们赶紧上车。快。走吧。出发。
So does that mean no potpies? 这么说没馅饼吃咯?
Uh, hey, Joanne? Two number nines to go. 乔安,两个九号的打包。
Was I wrong? Are these not the best wings you've ever had in your life? Oh, my god. 没说错吧?敢说这鸡翅不是你平生未尝的美味吗? 赞不绝口啊。
And you didn't wanna get 40. Oh, and by the way, this is just the start of your evening. 你还说吃不了40个。顺便说,这只是美好夜晚的开始喔。
Next up, it's over to the
quad2 for a musical interlude from
tenors3, anyone? It's an all male singing group... Got it. 下一个节目,去方庭欣赏一组男高音表演,要跟我去吗?是一个全男性声乐团... 我懂的。
Oh, hey! Oh, hey. Weren't you on my tour this morning? 喂!你好。你不是今早在我游览队伍里那个吗?
Yeah, I'm Haley, and this is my d 对,我叫海莉,这是我老......
Big brother. You bought it for a second. How are you? Oh,
oops4. 老哥。你信了你信了。你好吗?噢糟糕。
Okay. Anyway, you know what? There is a student mixer going on tonight. 好吧。不管怎样,你知道吗?今晚有个学生联谊会。
If you wanna go, me and a
bunch5 of other girls are gonna head over there. 你想去的话,我和其他一些女孩打算一起过去。
Oh! Uh, you know what? That's okay. My dad's got this whole thing planned...but thank you anyway. 噢!那个。我想说。还是算了。我老爸都计划好了,不过多谢了。
No problem. Well, it was nice meeting you. 客气。很高兴见到你。
Nice meeting you. How fun is this? Just me and you. 我也是。多欢乐啊?就我们两个。
I was a little nervous you wouldn't see what's so special about this place. 我有点紧张怕你没看出这里的独特之处。
Not that I'm pushing you to come here. You know, you're You're gonna make your own decisions. 我不是逼你一定要考这里。你知道,你,你得自己做决定。
You wanna go with them, don't you? 你想跟她们一起去,是不是?
No, we're doing our thing. 不,按我们的计划来。
Yeah, quick. Before they leave. Are you sure? 去吧。晚了她们就走了。 真的吗?
Go. I can handle it. You're not the first girl to leave me at this table with a plateful of chicken wings. 去吧。我搞得定。你又不是第一个在满是鸡腿的餐桌前离我而去的女孩子。
I'm kidding! I wish I was kidding. I... You weren't supposed to hear that. Have fun. 我开玩笑!的真希望我是开玩笑。 我... 本不想让你听到的。好好玩。
Okay. Love you. Love you. 好的。爱你喔。 爱你。
Nose job.
Butt6 lift. Last summer, that thing was 4 inches off the ground. 鼻子整形了。提臀了。去年夏天那玩意儿都快垂到地面了。
What do they do with all the butt they take out? 她们屁股上的赘肉都跑哪儿去了?
I have a theory. Oh,
damn7! Here comes my ex. Who? Randolph? Marcus? LaMichael? 我想我知道答案了。该死!我前男友来了。 谁啊?兰多夫吗?还是马可斯?勒迈克尔吗?
No. Matt. I gotta go. 不。是马特。我得走了。