摩登家庭第三季 第70期:基佬开卡车
时间:2019-04-01 02:41:29
How's that printer working out for you? 打印机运作还正常吧?
Still loving that printer, eh? 还爱用那打印机是吗?
You know, if your printer breaks from here, I can fix it on my phone. - Can you? 如果你的打印机坏了,我能用电话远程修好它。-真的吗?
I can, but I don't need to, Because I
fixed1 it forever. 当然,不过没这必要,因为我已经把它修得完美无瑕了。
Just once, I wish he wouldn't make such a big deal about everything. 哪怕一次也好,我真希望他不要这么小题大做。
Okay. Now just disrobe and place the towel over your buttocks. 来吧。现在请宽衣解带拿毛巾盖住屁股。
Riding the open road in a big
rig2 like this sure can work up a man's
powerful3 appetite4. 开着大卡车在路上飞驰还真能激发男性那惊人的食欲啊。
We've gone five blocks. -Do you want a burger or not? 我们刚开出五个街区远。-你到底吃不吃汉堡?
I could eat. Hey, Alex, maybe Uncle Cam will let you borrow his hat later. 我倒是没意见。艾丽克斯也许等会小卡舅夫能把他的帽子借你。
You know, since you dress like a dude. 毕竟你已经是一副纯爷们的打扮。
I like the way I dress. 我就喜欢这样。
Uncle Cam, as her future prom date, will you please talk to her? You know fashion. 小卡舅夫,作为她未来的舞会男伴,你能跟她谈谈吗?你最懂时尚了。
First of all, you're each beautiful in your own way, 首先,你们俩各有自身的美丽之处,
but you're both playing for second, because I'm too sexy for...this truck. 但你们都得排第二位,因为开着卡车的我才最性感。
I have to say, you do drive it surprisingly well. 不得不承认,你开得出人意料的好。
Yeah, who would have thought? 没错,谁能想到呢?
Surprising? What, that--that a
gay5 man can drive a truck? 出人意料?基佬开卡车就很出人意料吗?
You know, I expect that kind of thinking from Jay's generation. But from our future generation? No. 如果是杰那代人的想法,我还能理解。但是连90后也这么想吗?无法接受。
Wow. This place got crowded. 这里实在是挤爆了。
Whoa. You're really
wedged6 in there. You want us to help guide you out? 你真是"卡"在中间了。需要我们给你导向吗?
That question-- it was like a hate
crime7. 如此一问,充满仇恨犯罪的意味(仇恨犯罪是因为犯罪者的偏见而进行的犯罪)。
Sorry! -Hey, you're really close on this side. -Yeah, I see it. - Careful! - I'm being careful. 抱歉!-你靠这边太近了。-我知道。-小心!-我已经够小心的了。