摩登家庭第三季 第82期:善意的批评
时间:2019-04-01 02:56:00
I just think with the earthiness of the rice, you might want something zesty1 to set it off. I think this might be a job for cumin. 我只是觉得可以加些辛香料来盖过米饭的土腥味。估计加点孜然能管用。
You know, since we're sharing helpful
criticisms3...No, no, no, no. nobody's sharing anything. Manny, go change for the party. 既然我们在相互交流批评指正......停停停。谁都别再说了。曼尼,去换衣服。
No, no, no, but I appreciate helpful criticisms. It, uh, it's important for me that I hear the truth. Makes me stronger, less of a mama's boy. 可是我愿意听取善意的批评。我觉得知道真相十分重要。能令我更坚强,而不只是个离不开妈的孩子。
Yeah, mom, he can take it. 没错,妈,他承受得了。
That's what he says, but you don't really know what he feels
underneath4. 他嘴巴上这么说,可你不知道他内心实际的感受。
Some people are so
sensitive5, that they hear one
criticism2, and it kills the
spark6 that made them special. 有些人太过敏感,一句批评就能毁掉他们的才华。
I think I know what's going on here. -Good. 我明白是怎么回事了。-太好了。
This is about you and your mom, isn't it? -Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 是有关你和你妈之间的纠葛,对吧?-对,没错。-不,不是的。
Yes, it is! Manny, don't upset me anymore. Go. Go change. 就是那样!曼尼,别再让我心烦了。去。换衣服去吧。
What--what should I wear? 我该穿什么啊?
Ay, you look good in everything! 你穿啥都好看!
Where you going, mom? 你去哪儿啊,妈妈?
Mm, I gotta run to the store. Someone ate all the marshmallows. 得去趟商店。有人把棉花糖都吃完了。
Hey, can I tell you something? I was thinking that maybe after new year's break, we could visit a couple more colleges. 能跟你商量点事吗?我在考虑寒假以后,我们可以去其他的大学看一看。
Seriously? - I was so hard on you before. I'm sorry. I know I'm no Kenneth. I'm gonna need all the help that I can get. 你说真的吗?-我之前对你太凶了。抱歉。我明白我做不到肯尼斯那样。我得尽量取得别人的帮助。
Honey, I am so proud of you. Oh. Oh, thank you. What's this? Oh, okay. - What are you doing? 亲爱的,我为你骄傲。谢了。什么呀?好吧。-怎么了?
Oh, uncle Mitch is picking up the marshmallows. Then again, backpacking through Europe could be educational in its own way. 米奇舅舅已经在买棉花糖了。话说回来,去欧洲背包游也有其独特的教育意义吧。
No! No, no! No, no, no! Do you know what's
illegal7 in Europe? Nothing! You are going to college! 别!别,别!你知道在欧洲什么算违法吗?啥都不违法!你上大学上定了!
Okay, fine. -Darn right it's fine. 好吧,随你。-当然是听我的。
Piece of cake. -My hair's coming out! 小菜一碟。-我头发都要吓掉了!
Wow, honey. I-I think you could make these simpler. Just, you know, sort of do 'em flat and on the side. 亲爱的。我以为你会布置得简单点。将一边平铺开就可以了。
Hmm. Yeah. Seems like that's how you like me. Flat and on the side. You know what? Sometimes I need to be
puffed8 up and frilly. 就像你希望我成为的那样。平平淡淡甘居下游。有时我也需要膨胀一下,摆摆架子。
All right, is this one of those moments I'm gonna have to remember later when they ask me if there were any signs? 要是以后人家问起咱俩婚姻破裂前的征兆之一我是否就该想到此时此刻呀?