摩登家庭第五季 第32期:告状
时间:2019-04-02 01:59:06
Best thing about my relationship with Cam? Trust. Newsflash. I can be an obsessive1 person. 我和小卡恋爱最棒的地方在于什么?在于信任。快讯一则,我强迫症犯起来也不是人。
In the past, I've had trouble letting someone else call the shots. Giving up control made me crazy. 在以前,我根本没法放手让别人做决定。把大权拱手让人实在令我抓狂。
That's what makes my life with Cam so freeing. 那也是我跟小卡相处得如此轻松的原因。
I can turn over big things to him and never give them a second thought. Out of sight, out of mind. Byebye. 我能把大事交由他处理然后自己不再去担心。眼不见,心不烦。拜拜了您。
Phil. This is Oh! Oh, my god!Phil? Phil? ! 菲尔。这也......我的天啊!菲尔?菲尔你在吗?
Yeah, I was just sitting there, and he basically
molested2 me. 我就坐那儿他就猥亵我了。
Excuse me? She's talking about Reuben. 你说什么?她说的是罗本。
Who are you? ! 你又是谁?!
You boys better have money. I am not doing this for free. 你们男的最好把钱带够了。不给钱姐可不干。
Wwwhat's what's happening? 你们......你们要干嘛?
Oh, I hear you, Joyce. His time's important. Your time isn't, right? Let me buzz you back, superstar. Okay. 我听明白了,乔伊斯。他的时间宝贵。你的就不宝贵,是吧?一会打给你,超级巨星。好嘞。
Hey, honey. Branches are still in the front yard, I just took a rake to the face, 亲爱的。前院的树枝还在那,我脸都被弹肿了,
Reuben is getting really
weird3 on Alex, and Haley's doing something for money in the basement. 罗本对艾丽克斯有奇怪的企图,海莉为了钱在地下室不知做什么呢。
It's all gonna be fine. Daddy's home, superstar. 没什么大不了啦。老爸回来了,超级巨星。
No. Don't call me that. I'm not one of your
needy4 little divorces. 别。别那么叫我。我跟那些粘人的离婚妇女不一样。
Um, that is work. 那是我的工作而已。