摩登家庭第六季 第18期:袜我时代
时间:2019-04-02 06:07:54
What's that? Some sort of sock dispenser? 那是什么?袜子整理箱吗?
Bingo! I'm in the closet business. And this is a crude prototype of my new invention. 没错!我是做衣橱生意的。这只是我最新发明的粗样模型。
What a great idea. You rotate your socks so you don't keep wearing the same ones. 多好的主意。袜子自动更替,不用老穿同一双。
That's exactly right. I call it "sock it to me." 一点没错。我叫它”袜我时代"。
That's so clever. It's funny, and it tells you what it does. 犀利啊。够打趣,而且直观。
Imagine it in
walnut1. 想想要是做成胡桃木材质的。
What's happening? I...I am so sorry that he's boring you. 什么情况?不好意思,他这么无聊。
No, I like this sort of stuff. My grandpa Earl's in the closet business, too. 没有,我喜欢这类东西。我外公Earl跟您是同行。
Wait, wait. Earl? 等等,Earl?
Yeah, he owns Closets, Closets, Closets...- Closets. Yeah. I know your grandpa. 他的品牌叫柜柜柜...- 是啊,我认识你外公。
It was 1980. Earl and I just formed our company, Closet-fornia. 那还是1980年。Earl和我刚刚开办 “家利福尼亚”。
Business was great, high-end clients, maybe a
celebrity3 or two. 生意挺火,客户够高端,偶尔还有名人光顾。
I shouldn't name names. Anyway...Came to work one day, and Earl's desk had been cleared out. 是谁我就不说了。一天上班,Earl的桌子空空荡荡的。
He had badmouthed me to half our rolodex. 这厮对一半客户说我的坏话。
It was
devastating4. I had to start all over. 简直就是毁灭性的破坏啊。我得从头再来。
Well, what the hell? It was Larry Hagman. Heck of a guy. Heart as big as his hat. 管他呢,说就说吧,那明星是Larry Hagman,大人物啊。胸怀宽大如球场。
Hey, you're back already? How was the birthday party? 已经回来啦?生日派对如何?
Yes, you did. All by your lonesome. 没错。独立完成哦。
It wasn't a real unicorn. 那独角兽是假的。
Thank you. 多谢提醒。
I'm gonna go and do homework. Don't knock unless it's an actual emergency. Not a spider. 我去做作业了。非紧急情况不许敲门。蜘蛛不算。
Plank6 gave her homework on the weekend? She's 7. Plank老师周末还留作业?孩子才7岁啊。
I know. The woman is insane. But listen. 我知道,那老师绝对疯了。但是呢。
I heard something in the glitter-tattoo line. 我排画队纹身的时候听说了个事情。
What? 啥啊?
There's an opening in Miss Sparrow's class. Sparrow老师班上空出一个学位。
Oh, my God! Cam, that's amazing. We got to get her in. 天啊,Cam,太好了。得把咱闺女塞进去。
I know. We're going in first thing tomorrow. 明天一大早就去。
Let's see it. Two dolphins that form a heart. 让我瞅瞅吧。两只海豚拼成心形。
There are two second-grade teachers at Lily's school...Miss Sparrow, who makes learning fun and
adventurous7. Lily的学校里有两位二年级老师...Sparrow老师让学习变得有趣又新奇。
And then there's Lily's teacher, Mrs. Plank, who is stressing Lily out. 还有Lily的老师Plank,她快把Lily整疯了。
Let's see, sweetie. 宝贝,让我们看看。
Good job. 真棒啊。
Oh, no! I spelled "
tadpole8" wrong! 我把"蝌蚪"拼写错了!
Oh, well, now, that's just one mistake. 就是一处小错而已啦。
Mrs. Plank doesn't tolerate mistakes! Plank老师不允许犯错误!
Okay. - All right. 好的- 好的。
I call Mrs. Plank "Mrs. Crank." 我管Plank老师叫母夜叉。
Because, you know, I have the courage to say what others won't. 我有胆量说别人不敢说的话。
Behind her back. 背后说说而已了。
And I also I helped the previous owners install a brand-new tankless water heater a year ago, but did they show any
gratitude9? 一年前,我还帮房主装了新的热水器,但是他们有感激之情吗?
Nope! Because it's a "tankless" job. 没有,这本来就是"没心没肺"的工作。
Yes! 对头!
Please move in. We can riff like this all the time. 搬过来吧,以后就能一直讲段子了。
So, what do ya think? Do you still love it? 感觉如何?你们喜欢吗?
Absolutely. 当然了。
I can just see filling this yard with flowers. 都能想象到满园鲜花了。
Just like we're pretending to do. 就跟我们装的一样。
By the way, I love those shoes. 对了,我真喜欢你的鞋子。
Oh, thanks. George's firm does P.R. for about 10 shoe brands. 谢谢。George公司给10几个品牌的鞋做公关。
If we end up living here, trust me, you'll be swimming in shoes. 如果我们住这,你有穿不完的鞋子。
I've had that dream. 那是我的梦想啊。
Speaking of dreams, what do you think? 说到这里,你们觉得怎么样呢?
You guys ready to pull the trigger? 打算付款了吗?
I think we are. 应该是吧。
Yes! - That's great! I'm a size 6! 真好!- 太棒了!我穿6码的鞋!