摩登家庭第六季 第20期:卖房的伎俩
时间:2019-04-02 06:09:14
Hey, Dunphy. Dunphy,你好啊。
Hey. 嗨。
Just checking out this tree. 我就过来看看这棵树。
Oh, yeah, it's really messy, right? And it makes the house so dark. 是挺讨厌的吧?把房间遮得那么暗。
But the...the rats love it, so... 不过老鼠喜欢,所以...
Yeah, no worries. I'm gonna cut it down. I don't want all this sap all over my lawn
couch1. 别担心,我打算砍了它。免得户外椅上全是树液。
Well, I wouldn't fire up your chainsaw just yet, Ronnie. It's a very
competitive2 market. 先别急着开锯,Ronnie。这房很抢手。
Is there another buyer? 还有别人想买吗?
I really shouldn't say. 这话不太方便说。
Is this...is this one of those realtor tricks? 这是你们卖房的伎俩吧?
No. 不。
Where you're trying to get me to raise my offer? 就是想让我加钱嘛?
Oh, no. 不。
Well, it's working. All right. I'll throw in another 50 grand. 我还真吃这套。好,再加五万。
What? ! That's a terrible idea! 什么?!别干傻事!
I'm not losing the house. I had the best sex of my life in there. 这房我买定了。在里面滚床单最爽了。
When? ! 啥时候的事?!
Excuse me, Ms. Crank. 不好意思,母夜叉老师。
Plank3. Ms. Plank? Plank,是Plank老师?
Yes? 有事吗?
Hi. I sa...Oh. A frowny-face stamp. I didn't know they made those. 我看到... 印了个小哭脸。怎么还有哭脸印章。
I had to special order it from Germany. May I help you? 我专门从德国订制的。有何贵干?
Uh, well, we're Lily's parents. 我们是Lily家长。
Is there a problem? 有什么问题?
Not so much a problem, no. 也不算问题。
No, more of an opportunity for you to lighten your
workload4. 其实是给您减少点工作量。
Maybe turn that frowny-face stamp upside down. 能让您的小哭脸乐一乐。
Let me guess...you've heard there's an opening in young Miss Sparrow's classroom. 我猜猜。你们得知Sparrow小老师班上有个空缺。
What? What? - Miss who? - Is this...- Do you...an opening? 啥?神马?- 哪个老师?- 是说...- 您... 少个人吗
No. 不。
Oh, I'm sorry. Forgive me for jumping to conclusions. 对不起。原谅我不该妄下结论。
By all means, tell me why you're here. 那你们说说有什么事。
Well, we...we've just, uh, stopped by, uh, in the neighborhood to say hello. To say hi. Say hello. - Hi. 我们只是正好路过,打个招呼。打招呼,问个好。- 嗨。
And, also, um...About this opening in Miss Sparrow's class that you suggested for Lily. 还有Sparrow老师的事,既然您建议Lily转班。
Is that something that you would...That you would think would be a good idea? 您是觉得转班...比较好吗?
Parents are not allowed to choose their children's teachers. 家长无权挑孩子的老师。
No, and, of course, I would never suggest special treatment for Lily even if she is a...a former
orphan5 and minority and...and daughter of two gay men. 不,我们没想搞特殊,虽然Lily以前是孤儿,是少数民族,还有俩同志爸爸。
That's a big load on those little shoulders. 小孩子负担很重的。
Are you suggesting that your daughter is at a disadvantage because she's being raised by gay parents? 你们意思是你家小孩有两个爸爸所以不如别人吗?
Is it working? 要这样能说服您咩?
Okay. You know what? 这么说吧,老师。
Look. Uh, we just don't think that Lily responds to your, uh, teaching methods, and we think she would be happier in Miss Sparrow's class. 我们只是觉得 Lily不太习惯您的教学方法,去Sparrow老师班里她会更开心。
We would all be happier in that new-age drum circle she calls a classroom. 整天搞稀奇古怪的玩乐不正经上课,谁都会更开心。
Okay, well, we didn't mean to offend you. We're not saying you're any worse than her. 我们不是想冒犯您。不是说您比她不好。
She. 比她差。
Ma'am? 什么?
"Than she." That's proper English. It's too bad Lily won't learn it. "比她差”。这才是正确语法。可惜Lily没机会学了。
So she can go. 你同意她转班了吗。
As far as I'm concerned, she's gone already. One more child left behind. 我只当她已经走了。又一个孩子跟不上了。
Okay, you know what? No. Lily will be fine, 'cause she's gonna have the chance to thrive in a more supportive environment. 告诉您,Lily肯定没问题,她可以在友好的环境里健康发展。
Yeah, you don't need to worry about she. 没"不对",不劳您操心她。