摩登家庭第六季 第22期:邻居是个讨厌鬼
时间:2019-04-02 06:14:42
How many times do I have to tell people...you only pay for the meeting. The feelings have to be real! 我都说了多少次了。花钱买的是东西,感受靠的是心意!
Just keep your granddaughter out of my house. 叫你外孙女别再来我家了。
For all I know, you sent her over there to spy on me! 你就是派她来监视我的!
Sophie? What is she doing at your house? Sophie,她去你家干什么?
Dating my kid. 跟我儿子约会。
Mitchell? He's got to be 40 years old. Mitchell吗?他都小四十了吧。
And don't you know that...Oh, I get to do this. 难道你不知道 ...我不得不说了。
Mitchell is gay. Mitchell是同性恋来的。
Shut up. 别扯淡。
My stepson, Manny. 是我继子,Manny。
She's dating one of you? My little, sweet Sophie? 她在跟你家人约会吗?我的小宝贝Sophie?
That's right. My boy's dating her. He's dating her real good. 没错。跟我儿子。俩人如胶似漆哟。
Well, I'm gonna put an end to it. 我得了结这一切。
Great idea, Earl. 'Cause girls love take advice from their grandfathers about boys. 这就对了 Earl。小姑娘最喜欢听外公的恋爱意见。
I banged your ex-wife! 我睡了你前妻!
If you banged Dede, I do owe you an apology. 要是你睡了Dede,那我确实该道歉。
Lily, it's daddies. Can we talk to you? Lily,爸爸们进来啦,能聊一下吗?
All right. Where's the spider? 好吧。蜘蛛在哪儿呢?
No, no, no, it's...it's not that. Now, listen, we have some good news. 不是啦,没有蜘蛛。有好消息告诉你。
We...we know you've been stressed out at school, so daddy and I went down there today, and we got you into...Miss Sparrow's class! 我们知道你上学压力很大,所以我和大爸今天去学校帮你转到了Sparrow老师的班上!
Really? I thought you were setting me up. 你就直说了吗?还以为留给我说呢。
But I want to stay with Mrs.
Plank1. 但我想留在Plank老师班上。
But why? Miss...Miss Sparrow's so fun and creative. 为什么啊?Sparrow老师有趣又有创意。
Yeah, today, she gave us
yarn2, and we did whatever we wanted. 对的,今天她给我们发了纱线让我们自由发挥。
I don't want to play with yarn. 我不要玩纱线啊。
I want to read and learn math. 我想看书,学数学。
We do math. 我们也学数学啊。
Really? What's 2 plus 7? 是吗?2加7等于几?
27. 27。
No. No, it's 9. 不对,等于9。
But that's an honest mistake, sweetheart. 但你只是无心之过啦,宝贝。
Okay, what does blue and yellow make? 那好,蓝色和黄色混在一起是什么色?
Blellow. 蓝黄色。
You need to fix this. 你们可得救我。
I could not sleep all night thinking about those
obnoxious3 people living next door to us. 我一宿没睡,一直想着邻居那些讨厌鬼。
Especially that boy with the ripped jeans and the long hair and those blue eyes who called me hot. 尤其是那个穿破洞牛仔裤的长发碧眼男孩还胆敢说我性感。
Me? Hot? What? 我跟性感不沾边儿啊。
Phil, you know a bad neighbor can ruin your whole life. Phil 邻居不好毁一生啊。
You remember my friend Juliet from yoga class? 记得我瑜伽班上的Juliet不?
We went to her brother's restaurant. Adult
braces5. 我们去过她哥哥的饭店。拥抱很热情那个。
Nope. 不记得。
Black. 姓Black。
Juliet. How is she? Juliet呀。她怎么样了?
These awful people moved in next door to her, and she feels like she's trapped in her house. 隔壁搬来一家烂人,她都不敢出门。
She has to run to her car every morning. 每天早晨要跑进车里才算。
That explains those
calves7. - Phil. 难怪小腿肌肉那么结实。- Phil。
What am I supposed to do? I have one offer, and it's way above asking. 我能怎么办?买家开价远高于卖家底价。
Well, I don't know. Maybe, isn't it possible that Jerry never even sees this offer? 我不知道。有没有可能让Jerry完全不知道有人开价呢?
Things do go missing all the time. 丢东西不是很平常的事情嘛。
I'm legally bound to present all offers. 法律规定我有义务知悉卖家所有出价。
Which you wrote. 誓言也是你自己编的嘛。
Well, I also wrote my own wedding
vows11. I guess I should break those, too? 我的结婚誓言也是自己写的。难道就可以随便违背了吗?
Phil. Phil。
What am I saying? I'll never send you to bed without a hug. 我说什么呢?我今生一定每晚在你入睡前拥抱你。
Manny up yet? Manny起床了吗?
He's getting dressed. Why? 在穿衣服。怎么了?
He was asleep when I got home last night. 昨晚我回来他已经睡了。
And I want to talk to him about the Sophie-Earl situation. 我得跟他说说Sophie和Earl的事儿。
Are you going to start again? I am tired of hearing you
rant4 about the crazy closet world. 又来了?我听够了你抱怨衣橱界的这些破事儿。
Why would I rant about crazy closet world? 我哪有什么可以抱怨的?
Those lunatics priced themselves out of business years ago. 那些二货早就自动被淘汰出局了。
Manny? ! Manny?!
Two minutes! I'm fixing my costume! 马上好!我在整理道具服呢!