摩登家庭第六季 第23期:女佣的儿子
时间:2019-04-02 06:15:02
If he wants to date this girl, it's none of your business. 他想跟谁约会你都管不着。
That's exactly what I was gonna tell him. 我也正准备跟他这么说。
Where's Jay? Jay人呢?
What the hell are you doing here? 你来干什么?
This thing between us is getting out of control. We got to put an end to it right now. 咱俩之间这点儿破事儿不好收场了。必须马上有个结果。
As long as you own up to what you did 30 years ago. 你肯为30年前的事儿负责就好。
If apologizing is gonna keep your no-good son away from my Sophie, then... 如果道歉就能让你那破儿子离我的Sophie远点儿,那...
He's not a no-good! 我儿子可好了!
Yes, he is. He's a walking
hormone1. 你说得对,他就是个精虫上脑的娃。
Now, let's hear this apology. 道歉吧。
Fine. I was under a lot of pressure back then, and... 好吧。我当初压力很大,还有...
Okay, keep in mind I'm not in
makeup2 yet, but do these sandals make my legs look thick? 好了,记住哦,我还没化妆呢,这鞋子是不是显得我腿粗啊?
Cause I...I could lower the
hem3. 我可以往下挽一挽的。
Aw, geez. 老天啊。
Who's that? 这是谁?
That's, uh, the maid's son. 是女佣的儿子。
Not now, Gomez! 你这娃等下再来!
Jay, what are you doing? ! Jay,搞什么啊?!
Letting the man speak! 先让他说完!
I'm sorry, I didn't know we had any company. 不好意思,不知道有客人在。
Hi. I'm Manny. 你好啊,我是Manny。
You're Manny? 你就是Manny?
You said you were under pressure... 你刚说你当时压力很大...
This is the big stud who's been
groping4 my Sophie? 就是这娃在跟我外孙女约会啊?
Sir, I promise you there's nothing
untoward5 between me and Sophie. 先生,我向您保证我跟Sophie没有任何不当行为。
You know what, kid? I believe you. 你知道吗,孩子?我特别相信你。
And you should. 这就对了。
He's the sweetest boy in the whole world! 我儿子是这世界上最善良可亲的娃!
No, he's not! 不是这样的!
Pritchett, I wish I had a number-10 mirror so you could see the look on your face right now. Pritchett,真希望现在手边有面10号镜子让你看看自己的表情。
Hey, this is nice. 这看着不错啊。
I think I am gonna call it the "sock 'n' roll." 我看起名叫袜摇滚吧。
The hell you are. 才怪。
Damn6! That's a good name. 见鬼了,真是个好名字。
Hey, Phil. Come on in. Phil,请进啊。
Hey, Jerry. 嘿,Jerry。
Well, look at this bachelor pad. - Yeah. 单身公寓看着不错啊。-是的。
And what a fun neighborhood you live in. 邻居看着也很友善。
H-hey, you locked up your car, right? 你车锁好了吧?
I definitely did, yeah. - Good. 当然了。- 那就好。
Hey, you want some tea? 要喝茶吗?
This is my only pot, so it might be a little macaroni-and-cheesy. 我只有这一个锅子,所以可能混着点儿通心粉和芝士味儿。
I'm good. I'm cutting carbs. 不喝了,我现在少吃碳水化合物。
So, did you, uh, get a chance to look over that offer? 出价单你看过了吗?
Yeah, it's great. 看了,价钱不错。
I can finally move into a better place, maybe get that colonoscopy my doctor's been pushing for. 这下我就有钱搬个好点儿地方了,说不定还能听医生的话去做结肠镜检查。
What if I told you there's an even better offer coming? 要是有人出价更高呢?
There is? 有吗?
There sure might be! 当然有这个可能啦!
Tomorrow, someone could show up and offer way more. 明天说不定就有人来开个更高的价格。
But, Phil, this is above asking. 但眼前的价格已经超预期了。
Why don't you want me to take it? 你为啥不让我接受呢?
Oh, just a bad feeling. 只是感觉不好。
Are you not telling me something? 你有事儿瞒着我吗?
Nope, that's just the f...the bad feeling. 没有啦,只是感觉不好而已。
Good, because you're the only one I can trust these days. 那就好,这段日子只有你我还信得过了。
Damn it! These new buyers just seem like terrible people. 见鬼!新买家一家人看着不善。
I know it's selfish, but we just...we don't want them living next door to us. 我知道这太自私了。但我们真心不想跟他们做邻居。
No, I get it. 没事,我能理解。
The guys on the other side of this wall, they like to get drunk and play with their nail gun. 我隔壁的那些人成天喝多了就乱玩射钉枪。
Oh, that's...crazy. 这太离谱了。
Listen, Phil. 听着,Phil。
You've always been a great neighbor and a good friend. 你一直是我的好邻居,好朋友。
I think I can hold out a little longer on the offer. 我可以再等等。
Are you sure? 你确定吗?
Yeah. I think of this old
pickle7 jar as being half full. 确定。我很乐观的。
Hot! 好烫!