摩登家庭第六季 第24期:姐妹花
时间:2019-04-02 06:15:43
I can't have anything nice. Not the wall! 我还真是啥都不配拥有啊。别靠墙!
On my honor, I promise to aid in man's quest for shelter, to recognize I'm not just in the business of houses... 我以我的荣誉起誓,我将急客人之所急,为他们寻求庇身之所,我不仅是地产经纪,
I'm in the business of dreams in the shape of houses. 更是家庭梦想的创造者
Hey! Careful with that! It's art. 嘿!小心点!这是艺术品来着。
I can't believe this is happening. 真不敢相信他们这就来了。
Who knows? Maybe we'll end up loving 'em. 谁知道呢?说不定咱会喜欢他们的。
Yeah. Maybe. 可能吧。
To disclose all illegal additions, shoddy construction, murders, and ghosts... 我宣誓透露所有负面信息,无论是豆腐渣工程,凶案,或是灵异事件...
Are we wrong or is there some tension between the four of us? 是我们的错觉,还是咱四个之间气氛真有点紧张?
Uh, maybe a little. - yeah 可能是有一点。- 嗯。
Maybe a little. - Yeah. 就一点儿。- 嗯。
I told ya. - Yeah. 跟你说了吧。- 是啊。
All right. Well...We're up for it whenever you are. 不管怎样吧。你们要有兴致咱随时可以来一发。
And to put my clients' needs before my own. 我宣誓永远将客户的利益置于自己之上。
And mine. 还有我之上。
Someone needs her bedtime hug early. 有人想提前预支睡前抱抱了吧。
Yep. Come here. 来吧。
Hi, Ms.
Plank2. - Hey, Ms. Plank. Plank老师。
Well, well, well, if it isn't Mary Ann and
Ginger3. 哎哟,姐妹花来了。
hilarious4. - Okay. 'Cause...- Yeah. - Oh. Oh, that's funny. 真好笑。- 真的哎。- 懂了。- 太好笑了。
And while while we're laughing about things, uh, this is funny, too. 既然咱正乐呵着,还有件好玩的事儿呢。
It seems that we forgot to talk to Lily before coming in to see you. 我们来找您之前忘了先跟闺女商量了。
And...and she made it very clear in no uncertain terms that she loves you, and she wants to stay in your class. 结果她意思很清楚,她喜欢您,只愿意跟您班上呆着。
How...how great is that? 这多好啊?
I will take Lily back...if you are able to tell me the object of this sentence... 我可以接受Lily转回来...只要你们能告诉我下面这句话的主旨。
Oh, gosh. 老天啊。
"Lily's parents were wrong about Mrs. Plank." "Lily的家长误解了Plank老师”。
Do you know it? 你知道么?
I...I...I think that the object is to
humiliate5 us? 应该是想让我们难堪吧?
Correct. See? I can teach anybody. 没错。看到没?谁我都能教得会。