摩登家庭第六季 第25期:连输了3场官司
时间:2019-04-02 06:16:23
Look...in the hallway! It's a bird! It's a plane! 看走廊里!是大鸟!是飞机!
It's super-out-of-breath. 是超人喘不上气了。
Happy Halloween to you, too. 也祝你万圣节快乐。
I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm really nervous about this closing argument today. 抱歉,我...我很紧张,今天要结案陈词。
Is it because you've lost three cases in a row? 因为你连输了3个官司吗?
Whispering it doesn't make it any less painful. 小声说一样有杀伤力。
Sorry. - Okay. 对不起。- 没事。
No, it's just that this case...it's so hard to hold the jury's attention. 这案子吧...很难吸引陪审团注意。
Well, do you want to run your argument by me? 先跟我彩排一下吧?
Could I? - Sure. 真的吗?- 当然。
Um, okay. Six years ago, Alger
Equities1 took investments from municipal pension funds and private
investors2 and
funneled3 all of that into
offshore4... 好,6年前,Alger Equities的投资来自市政府养老金以及市民个人,全都进了他自己的黑账户...
And I've already lost you. 你也不听了。
No. I was just thinking...because it's Halloween, what if you wore these in the courtroom? 不,我只是在想,不是万圣节嘛,戴这个出庭如何?
Show the jury "hey, I'm playful." 让陪审团看看,我也是很欢乐的。
Cam, I'm an attorney, not
Bugs5 Bunny trying to hide on a train. Cam 我是律师,不是兔八哥扒火车。
I'm ready. 我穿好啦。
There's Waldo! 瓦多找到了!(儿童游戏书"寻找瓦多")
I think I'm gonna win the costume contest. 我觉得装扮比赛我会赢哦。
Hey, now, honey, it's not important if you win. 宝贝,重要的不是赢。
It's just for fun. Picture. 而是开心,笑一个。
But it's more fun if you win. 可是赢了才更开心。
You know, Lily's been letting me know recently that she's feeling neglected. Lily最近总暗示我陪她的时间太少。
I think it's because of all my football stuff. That's why I went all out on her costume. 我觉得是因为我带球队吧。所以这次的服装我花足了心思。
Look how incredibly accurate it is. Where is that little guy? 看,特别像。小家伙在哪儿?
Come on. Come to me. Come on. Here you...here you go. 加油,加油,加油。出来 ...出来呀。
No matter how long he stares at it, Cam cannot find Waldo. Cam怎么找都找不着瓦多。
It's crazy. 特别奇怪。
O-once, he
pointed7 to a barber pole, and we just gave it to him. 有次,他指着红白霓虹灯我们就算他找到了。
Where is the little guy? 小家伙在哪儿?
He's right there. 就在这里啊。
How do you find it so...Let's try these. 你怎么找得这么...戴上试试。