摩登家庭第六季 第30期:魔法帽
时间:2019-04-03 01:06:05
Sorry, your honor. My bus was late. 抱歉,大人,公交车来晚了。
O-okay. 好,好吧。
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the details of this case are...are complicated and technical, 陪审团的女士先生们,本案的细节比较复杂,专业度高,
but they have a, uh, a
tragic2 and profound effect on the victims. 给受害者带来了巨大的伤害。
Uh, the, um...Pensions were
squandered3, lives were destroyed, and careers, once so
promising4, were now...ruined. 养老金被挥霍,严重影响了人们的生活,一度前途无量的事业 毁... 毁了。
So, because of this marriage, you're basically third cousins with Shakira. 这婚一结,你也算是夏奇拉的远房表弟了。
I mean, we don't get the free tickets, but it's fun. Ay, dios mio. What is this? 赠票是没有滴,不过很开心呀。额的神呀,这是个啥?
What's up, princess? I'm Prince Charming. 公主好吗?我是白马王子。
I can see that. 看出来了。
I got Joe a donkey costume, and I got Stella cat ears. I just hope she doesn't chase herself. 我给Joe搞了驴皮,给Stella整了猫耳。希望她别追着自己跑。
Ah, I get it...because she's a dog. 我懂了... 狗追猫嘛。
I also found out that princess Fiona is supposed to wear a tiara, so here you go. 我还知道了菲欧娜公主得戴皇冠,这个给你。
They had a whole bucket full of 'em. 店里可多了。
I love it. Ay, and you look so handsome. 我喜欢。你看上去很帅呀。
It's like those pictures of you in the Navy. I have an idea. 好像你当兵时的照片。我有个主意。
Why don't we put Joe down for a nap and then we go and take a nap, but not the one we sleep... 不如让Joe睡觉,然后我们也去睡觉,可不是真的睡哦。
I got it. I'm in. -Okay. 听懂了,必须的。- 好呀。
Hey. I thought you had a big meeting. 你不是有会吗。
I do, but I left my cellphone here. 是的,但我手机丢家了。
I need it to read at stoplights so I don't think about stuff. 等红灯时我要看手机,免得胡思乱想。
I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. 对不起,这也太夸张了。
Ohhh. Honey, I don't think that fits. 那个太大了。
It fits in Awesomeland. It's a magic hat. I'm gonna have this bunny jumping out of it. 在给力之地大小正好。这是魔法帽。会跳出大兔子。
You gonna put some blood on it, maybe
dangle5 an eyeball? 不给兔子抹点血,挂几个眼珠吗?
Who hurt you? I'm kidding. I know it's Jay and Dede. Anyway, I got to go get my costume. 你受过什么刺激?开玩笑的。知道是你爹妈的刺激。好了。我去拿我的服装。
Oh, for God's sake. I kiss my mom hotter than that. 行不行啊。我亲我妈都比你们有激情。
He does. I seen it. 我作证,我见过。