摩登家庭第六季 第33期:最恐怖装扮比赛
时间:2019-04-03 01:19:20
That obnoxious1 Ronnie was worried that I wouldn't be able to handle his decorations, 讨人厌的Ronnie还忧心忡忡担心我会被他家装饰吓到,
'cause he's trying to win this "scariest house on the street" contest, and I was like, "not only can I handle your decorations. 他还想赢"最恐怖装扮"比赛,而我不但不怕他的装饰。
I'm gonna win that contest." 还要赢比赛。
So welcome to the insane
asylum2 from hell. 欢迎来到恐怖精神病院。
That's what it feels like. 就因为这个啊。
Come on. It's gonna be fun. 肯定好玩。
The kids are gonna be
deranged3 mental patients, and...and I am going to be a
sadistic4 nurse, and you are a demented doctor. 孩子们会被精神病人吓疯的,我扮虐待狂护士,你就扮疯医生。
20 years of "no," but for this, you'll dress like a nurse? ! 20年来,你一直不答应穿护士装,因为赌气你就肯穿了吗?
- Um, no. - come on. - 别介。- 别闹了。
Of course the woman is the nurse and the man is the doctor. That kind of thinking...that's what's scary. 当然女的扮护士,男的扮医生了。你那龌龊的想法才吓人呢。
Tap out. It's a holiday. 省省吧,就过个节而已。
You know, I put a lot of time and energy into my thing, 我费尽心机策划装饰,
but you just shut it all down to prove something to people that we barely know and don't even like! 但你却因为赌气就拆了我的装扮,跟几面之缘又无关紧要的人怄气!
Phil, Ronnie made fun of Awesomeland. Phil,Ronnie笑话"给力之地"。
He called it "Candy land". - So? 他管这个叫"甜甜屋"。- 那又怎样?
Stupidville? Dumbburgh? 还讽刺说,傻蛋,蠢蛋。
Who cares what he thinks? ! Maybe someday you'll care what I think. 我不在乎他的想法!没准有一天你会在乎我的想法。
Phil...Well...honey, look! I kept your bunny! 老公,快看!我留着你的兔子呢!
Made it in the nick of time. All right, let's get this parade started while I'm still just 4,000 years old. 刚刚赶上。趁着我还年轻,只有4000岁,赶紧游行吧。
You do know the parade's not till after school, right? 游行放学之后才开始,你知道吧?
What? No! I can't stay that long. I have football practice. 什么?不会吧!我待不了那么久。我还要训练。
Oh, my God. I have to tell Lily. She's gonna be
devastated6. 天啊,我得跟Lily说。她肯定会伤心死的。
Oh, no. Where's Waldo? 我去。瓦多在哪呢?
Since when has the parade been after school? 什么时候游行改在放学之后了呢?
Since always. It was on the flier. 一直都是,传单上写着呢。
How big was this flier? 这传单是有多少内容啊?
Oh, so this is how we call each other now? 我们现在要这样打电话吗?
Mitchell, I have a costume emergency. Mitchell 我有麻烦了。
Just wear it with confidence, Cam. I'm sure you look great. Cam 自信点,衣服穿着挺好看的。
No, I can't find Lily! 不是,我找不到Lily了!