摩登家庭第六季 第34期:爹地不能陪你游行了
时间:2019-04-03 01:23:58
Oh, okay, found her...by the trash can, next to the big kid dressed like a hobo. 找到了,在垃圾桶旁边,在流浪汉套装的大孩子旁边。
Oh, you did it. I don't...I don't think that's a kid. I should probably tell a grown-up. 你真的找到了。那个流浪汉应该不是孩子。我看得出来,他是个成年人。
Well, you have no idea what's happening here. The
stenographer1 is dressed like a spider. 你绝对猜不到刚发生了什么。书记员穿着蜘蛛套装。
I cannot get anyone to listen to anything I'm...-Mitchell, I can't. 我讲的话没人听...-Mitchell,我要挂了。
Lily? Honey, listen. Daddy can't stay for the parade. Lily?宝贝。爹地不能陪你游行了。
But you promised! 你之前答应过我的!
No, I know I did, but it starts later than I thought, and I have to get to...-Football practice! It's fine! Just go! 确实是,但是我当初不知道我要去...-训练,没关系,你去吧!
No, Lily! Wait! Well, she's gone forever. Lily 别跑!等等!得,我又找不着她了。
Gloria, what happened to my hair? Gloria 我头发呢?
Ay, no. Please. I cannot have this conversation again. 咱不能老讨论这个。
Yes, Jay, time is cruel. Jay 岁月催人老啊。
Okay, what do you think...handsome Hawaiian or sexy scotsman? 你们觉得怎么样...穿夏威夷风的还是苏格兰短裙?
I can't do this right now. 别烦我。
Come on, Jay...this is my farewell tour of trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. I have to go out strong. Jay 这是最后一次在社区万圣节巡回了。我必须壮壮实实的出去。
Or should I just do what people are expecting? 或者我就随大流了呢?
Stay home 'cause you're 20? 比如你已经20了,就呆在家吧?
Jay, please don't be mean to Manny. Maybe Stella took your wig and buried it in the yard. I saw her playing with it earlier. Jay 别跟Manny怄气。可能是Stella叼走埋在院子里了。我之前看见她叼着玩呢。
What? Why didn't you take it from her? 啥?那你怎么不抢过来呢?
I don't understand your relationship with her. You let her
lick4 your feet. 我不懂你们俩的关系。你还让她舔你的脚呢。
Who is that possibly hurting? What am I gonna do now? Prince Charming had hair! 那又怎么了?我该怎么办呢?白马王子是长头发的!
Please. We don't really know that for sure. There weren't cameras back then. 那可说不准。过去又没照相机。
Maybe he had to be charming because he was bald. 没准之所以有魅力是因为秃头呢。