摩登家庭第六季 第36期:一连输五个案子
时间:2019-04-03 01:25:21
We have to shut it down. We got to shut it down. 得把这一套卸了。
Now, when she said "
joint1 Thanksgiving," do you think that she meant... 她说一起过感恩节的时候,你觉得她是不是想...
No. - Okay. 不是- 好吧。
Each of these companies
funneled2 unreported funds into the same account. 其中每家公司都私下汇款到同一账户。
Now, I believe this chart makes clear the intricate web of deceit. 这张图表清晰展示了错综的欺诈网络。
Okay, I heard it. I'm...I'm gonna rephrase that. 好吧,我听到了。我重新措辞。
These companies
conspired3 to
defraud4 numerous innocent people, not to mention the internal revenue service. 这些公司不仅设局欺骗无辜的人,还偷逃税款。
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Your honor, may we approach? 抱歉。法官大人,能近一步说话吗?
If you must. 你觉得有必要就过来。
You see what's happening here, right? 您也看到法庭上的情况了?
You're losing your fifth case in a row? 你一连输五个案子吗?
Fourth. And...who said...am I losing? 才第四个,再说...谁说我要输了?
Um, I just feel that the...the jury might be a little bit distracted by, um...you know. 我就是觉得陪审团一席...可能有点分神,因为...你懂的。
Please let the record show that counsel is nodding his head towards the court
Holly6. 请记录律师向书记员Holley歪脑袋。
Your honor, opposing counsel's grasping at straws because he's losing again. 法官大人,对方律师没事找事只是因为他又要败诉了。
Oh, come on! Come on! She's dressed like a giant spider! 那我直说了!她穿成一只大蜘蛛啊!
I need the jury to focus on the details of this case, not some ridiculous costume. 我需要陪审团专注本案的细节,不是某些哗众取宠的装扮。
I'm sorry. You're probably a very nice person. 抱歉,你看着像个好人。
Very well. 好吧。
Holly, would you please remove the costume? Holly 你能脱了套装吗?
Thank you. 谢谢。
Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the delay. 女士们先生们,很抱歉耽搁你们的时间。
At the request of counsel, the court stenographer will now remove the costume. 根据律师的要求法庭速记员将会脱了套装。
That redhead's no fun. 红毛律师真无聊。
They hate you. 他们恨你。
A-as I was saying, um, these companies stole from
countless7 innocent people, and, 如我所说这些公司从大量无辜的人身上窃取钱财,
you know, if someone had dipped into my nest egg like that,uh...I'd be awful
grouchy8. 所以...如果有人这样窃取我的劳动结晶...我一定会非常生气。