摩登家庭第六季 第37期:镜头
时间:2019-04-03 01:25:57
Number four. 连输四场。
Here you go. 给。
What are you supposed to be? 你扮的是啥?
Born into another family. 是假装没出生在这家人。
She is Tess McGill,
feminist1 heroine from te 1980s classic"Working girl". 她是Tess McGill,八十年代经典电影上班女郎中的女主角。
You should check it out sometime. 有空可以去看看那部电影。
In a few years. There is some light vacuuming in underpants. 过几年再看吧,里面有儿童不宜镜头。
Keep up the good work! How's it going here? 继续加油!怎么样啦?
I look stupid! These
puppies2 are making it impossible for me to stay mad at you. Stupid, adorable puppies. 我看着好傻!但这些小狗太萌了,我就很难一直生你的气。这些傻萌傻萌的小狗狗啊。
Welcome to Awesomeland, where the only thing to fear is fun itself. 欢迎来到给力之地这里唯一能吓到你的就是乐趣本身。
Claire, I know this isn't the Halloween you wanted, but can you try to sell it? Claire 我知道这不是你想要的万圣节,但你能装得可信度高一点儿么?
I'm sorry, honey. I got mad at you and I upset
Amber3, and all because Ronnie called me a soccer mom. 抱歉啊,亲爱的。我冲你发了火,又惹Amber不开心,都是因为Ronnie叫我家庭妇女。
What is wrong with me? 我是怎么啦?
Nothing. I hate it when people assume things about me that aren't true...like because I'm pretty, I'm stuck-up. 没什么。我就讨厌别人对我妄下定论。比如觉得因为我美,我就很笨。
When people do that to me, I'm just like, "shut up, troll. Why am I even talking to you?" 谁要敢这么说我,我就会说,闭嘴吧怪胎,我干嘛还要跟你说话?
It's obvious, mom...you use Halloween as a way to show people you have edge. 显然啊,老妈。万圣节就是你展示个性的手段。
It's like accountants who buy a Harley. 跟会计师买辆哈雷摩托车一样。
She's right. Being scary is my motorcycle. 没错。制造恐怖就是我的哈雷摩托。
That's my Tess. 真是我的女一号啊。
I knew my farewell tour would be emotional, but at least I can say I did it my way. 我知道我的告别仪式会很伤感,但至少我问心无愧地遵从了自己的意愿。
You've said that four times. You know he had other songs? 你都说了四遍啦。能不能说点儿别的啊?
Nice costume. Ben Franklin, right? What? 扮相不错啊,是本杰明·富兰克林吗? 什么啊?
No! Prince charming. 不是!是白马王子。
Sorry. I guess I just picture Prince Charming with hair. 真抱歉。我默认白马王子有头发了。
We all do, but I lost my
wig5, and I don't have any, so...Well, you know, there are some pretty effective solutions for that. Talking about hair plugs? Yeah. 我也这么想,但我假发找不到了,自己又没头发。,话说 现在也有很多对付秃头的有效手段。是指植发吗?- 没错。
Take some from the side and the back, right? You think that would work for me? 从侧边和后脑勺移植到头顶吗?你觉得我可以试试吗?