摩登家庭第六季 第39期:证据ABC
时间:2019-04-03 01:27:07
Can somebody please help me? 来人帮帮忙行吗?
Don't help him! - Oh, enough, you two! It's like "August: Osage county" up in here. 别帮他!- 你俩别闹了!简直是家庭大战真人秀。
All right, you...- Where's my head? 你先来...- 我的头呢?
It's right here. Stop. Just calm down. - Okay. -You need to let yourself off the
hook1, all right? 就在这儿别乱动,冷静。- 好了。-你得帮帮自己,好吗?
You didn't abandon her playing craps. You had to go to work. 不能任由她指责。你是要去工作。
He's always working. 大爸永远在工作。
No, he's...he is not always working, Lily. 不是那样的,Lily。
Exhibit "A"...your shirt, which he stayed up all night sewing so that you would have the perfect costume. 证据A,你的道具服是他熬夜赶制的,就为了让你有完美的道具服。
Exhibit "B"...those glasses...two hours on eBay. 证据B。你戴的眼镜,他在网上淘了两个小时。
Daddy's man purse from college that he had to dig through 10 boxes to find, because daddy hid it from him. 是大爸读大学时背的,他翻了十个箱子才给找出来,因为我藏起来不让他背。
But he didn't read the flier! 但他都没看传单内容!
I never read it because I never saw it! 我没看内容是因为我根本没看到传单啊!
You didn't see the flier? - No! 你没看到传单吗?- 没有啊!
Maybe that's because you never got it. 或许是因为你从来没收到过。
I submit to you...the flier...Which never made it onto the refrigerator, where you are supposed to put things, because it wa-a-a-s.... It...was...Oh! Yes. 我来向你提交... 传单...根本没有被贴在冰箱上,原因就是...就... 是...成功!
Lily, your daddy may have missed the parade, but he was all over Halloween. Lily 大爸确实错过了游行,但他为万圣节倾尽心力。
I rest my case. 我的陈述完了。
I'm sorry, daddy. 对不起,大爸。
I'm sorry, too. 我也很抱歉。
I got my win. 我赢啦。
Trials would be a whole lot easier if
juries3 were made up of 7-year-old girls, like Lily. And Cam. 要是陪审团成员都是跟Lily一样的7岁小姑娘,庭审就容易多了。Cam这样的成员也行。
I know it's not the point, but we totally would've won. 我知道这不是重点,但我们输定了。
Might want to leave that out of your apology. 道歉的时候最好别说这个。
Howdy! 您好啊!
Hey, Ronnie. What's up? Ronnie 怎么样?
Ronnie, hi. Um, I was looking for
Amber4. Ronnie 我想找Amber。
Oh, she's inside. 她在屋里。
No, I ain't!Knock it off, Amber! 我不在!别闹了,Amber!
Amber, hi. Um, listen, I wanted to apologize. Amber,嗨。我想向你道歉。
I had no idea about your history, and I was being insensitive, so I was hoping we could start over. 我真的不了解你的过去,我太不小心了,希望咱们可以从头来过。