摩登家庭第六季 第40期:没住过精神病院
时间:2019-04-03 01:27:41
That's really sweet. Almost makes me feel bad for making the whole thing up. 真好。几乎让我为编故事感到惭愧了。
What? ! 什么?
Trick! She never been to a nuthouse. 上当咯!她才没住过精神病院。
No! 不是吧!
Yeah, I ain't crazy. 是啊,我可不是疯子。
I mean, I've been to rehab a few times, but that was just for paid vacation. 我是住过几次戒毒所啦,但那是免费度假嘛。
You lied just to make me feel bad? 你说谎就为了让我内疚吗?
No, no...we lied so that we could win with our zombie house o' whores! 不不不,我们说谎是为了用僵尸疯婆装扮赢得比赛啊!
Did you say "whores," or...-No, no. It ain't messed up. The saying is "trick or treat." This is the trick part. 你们这装扮是僵尸疯婆还是...-不乱啊。万圣节就是不给糖就捣蛋嘛。咱们就是在捣蛋。
Our yard's full o' dead whores. You got a Santa. 我们家满院子僵尸疯婆。而你们是甜甜屋。
Yep..."whores." I heard it again. 疯婆吧,我又听到一次。
Why are we not talking about this? 咱们是不该聊聊这个?
There will come a day when you will pay for this. 你们会为此付出代价的。
You won't know when, and you won't know how, but you will feel it. 你们无法预知时间也无法预知方式,到时候你们就知道了。
That chick is
scary2. 这娘们儿真吓人。
Thank you. 谢了。
You have no idea. 你们还没见识到呢。
You know, they just make it impossible to find him. It's
cruel3 and inappropriate. 根本就不可能找到瓦多的。这太残忍了。
It just sets children up to fail, and it destroys their self-esteem. 让小孩子体验失败会伤了他们自尊的。
Right there. - Is he there? 就在那。- 是吗?
Is...where...Where did she point? Where did she p...Now I look like
Rod4 Stewart. 在哪儿呢...她刚指的是哪儿啊...这下我成摇滚歌星了。
Thanks a lot. 都赖你。
I have a head for business and a bod for
sin5. 我有着智慧的头脑和罪恶的肉体。
Yes, you do. 没错。
Ew! This is a common area! 喂!这是公众区域好嘛!