摩登家庭第六季 第43期:一种不祥的预感
时间:2019-04-03 01:39:55
When I left for work this morning, she was sitting on the couch, flipping1 through magazines. 早晨我去上班时她就这样窝在沙发里翻杂志。
She's 20. She's finding herself. 她才20岁,还在寻找自我。
How hard can it be? She hasn't moved. 很难找吗?明明没挪过一步。
Well, what were you doing at 20? 你20岁时在干吗?
Me? I was getting a 4.0 in college. 我吗?我上大学,考高分。
I was working 25 hours a week. 而且一周工作25小时。
I was volunteering at a suicide hotline. 我是干预自杀热线志愿者。
Get off the couch! Do something with your life! 滚下沙发!有点出息!
Was it an assisted suicide hotline? 是鼓励自杀的热线吗?
Your father's home...from work. 你爹下班回来了。
Already? Must be nice. 这么快一定很顺利。
Daddy, my doll won't stop crying. 爸爸,娃娃一直哭。
Oh, honey, did you try the "Off" switch? 乖宝,按"停"试试?
Of course I tried the "Off" switch! 当然试过了!
Lily! Lily!
Sorry I snapped. 抱歉我失态了。
She's been like this all day. 她都哭了一整天了。
There you go. 完事了。
That never worked on you. 这招对你从来都不管用。
So, good news. 好消息。
Anne Gibbs actually wants to do a news segment on me! Anne Gibbs想给我做一条新闻!
What? ! Great news, Cam. 真的是......太棒了,Cam。
Isn't that exciting? 激动死了。
They're gonna send a whole team Friday, follow me around with a camera crew, then interview me at the homecoming games. 周五会派来整个摄制组摄像人员一直跟拍我,在返校比赛的时候采访我。
So listen, I kinda have a big favor to ask. 我想请你帮我个大忙。
Uh, w-okay. 好吧。
Traditionally, the varsity coach and his wife cook a big pancake breakfast for the football team for homecoming. 按传统代表队教练将跟他老婆一起为参赛的橄榄球队做一顿煎饼早餐。
I do not like where this is going. 我有一种不祥的预感。
Well, let me finish. 听我说完。
Okay, continue. 继续。
How would you feel if you and I cooked a big pancake breakfast for the varsity football team? 我想听一下你的意见,咱俩一起为代表队做煎饼早餐怎么样呢?
Did you think that that was a twist? 这跟刚才说的有任何区别吗?
Mitchell, please. Mitchell 求你了。
No! No, unless you can convince Tom Brady to spend the night, I am not making breakfast for any football players. 不去!除非你能邀请Tom Brady来吃晚餐,不然我才不给队员做早餐呢。
He -- he is a football player, right? 他是耍橄榄球的吧?
Yes. It's the perfect reference. 是,你这个梗用的好。
But, Mitchell, this is important. Mitchell 这是个大事。
So is my job. I have closing arguments on Friday. 我工作也是大事,周五要做结案陈词。