摩登家庭第六季 第44期:男朋友能缓解压力
时间:2019-04-03 01:40:28
I promise you'll be out by 9:00. 我打保票九点之前你就能走了。
I just wanna show the world that we're as supportive and respectful as any straight couple. 我就想让别人看到我们也相敬如宾跟直男直女一样。
That's an incredibly manipulative thing to say. 这话真是把我逼到死角里了。
Well, that's not how I meant it. 我不是这个意思。
And that hurts my feelings. 我很受伤。
Busted3. You know, you're so much smarter than me. 被看穿了,你比我聪明多了。
Oh, I wish I knew where your "off" switch was. 要是知道怎么让你别折腾就好了。
Well, you know where my "on" switch is. 你最懂哄我开心了。
Hey, Mrs. Dunphy. Remember me? Dunphy太太,还记得我吗?
Andy. Of course. Come on in. Andy 当然啦。快进来。
You are Joe's babysitter, right? 你是之前帮忙带Joe的小伙子?
Uh, "manny" is what we call ourselves in the child care community. 在幼护圈里管我们叫“男保姆”。(manny)
But it's confusing in that house because of their son Manny. 但是总是跟Manny的名字搞混了。
So I've been trying to get
traction4 with "bro-pair." 所以我干脆自我定位成“小玩伴”。
Hey, Andy. Andy 嗨。
Hey, Sir...uh, Mr. Dunphy. 嗨,Dunphy爵...先生。
Sorry. I didn't...see you. 抱歉,我没看到你。
Andy, please. "Sir Mr. Dunphy" is my british name. Andy 没关系,我在英国的名字就叫“Dunphy爵士”。
Oh, my...you did not just think of that! 天啊,你真是随口都是梗!
Yes! 是呢!
Andy, what can we do for ya? Andy 你们找我干什么?
I'm actually here... 我其实是找...
Hey, Andy. Come on. Andy 你来了啊。走吧。
He's here for you? 他过来找你吗?
Yeah. We're just gonna be in the basement. 是啊。我们就在地下室。
So good to see you guys. 很荣幸见到你们。
I don't know why I just did that. 别问我为什么鞠躬,我情不自禁。
What was that? 那是怎么回事?
Don't be offended. 你别生气呀。
In many cultures, it's customary to bow only to the man. 在许多文化里只为男性鞠躬。
Phil. Haley, Andy - is that a thing? Phil,Haley跟Andy在搞对象吗?
Oh. I don't know. 我不知道。
Well, I hope not. 但愿不是吧。
Haley is at a very low point in her life. Haley正处于人生低谷。
It's the last thing she needs right now. 现在最不需要爱情。
I remember a certain young lady was pretty
addicted6 to "Ms. Pac-man" until a dashing young gent caught her eye. 我记得某少女相当沉迷“吃豆小姐”直到一位时尚美男引起她的注意。
Only because you were wearing a feather
earring7. 那是因为你戴着羽毛耳环。
It wasn't a feather. 那个不是羽毛。
It was a dream catcher. 是捕梦网。
And it worked. 最终捕到了呢。
Well, we're done. 学完了。
One more session this week, and Manny will be ready for his test. 这周再上一次课,Manny考试就没问题啦。