
摩登家庭第六季 第47期:同性恋教练

时间:2019-04-03 01:44:55



 Hey! Oh, you look so good! 嗨!好帅哦!

Come inside. Are you ready? 快请进。准备好了吗?
Yeah. I saw some stuff1 online, so I got a couple new things I wanna try out. 是啊。上网看了些东西想试点新花样。
Let's do it! 那咱就去试吧!
which proves, Anne, you can score with a gay2 coach. 这也证明 Anne不要小看同性恋教练。
Wait. Uh, can I try that again? 等下,要再来一遍吗?
No, that was great. 不,那很好。
Um, how does your spouse3 feel about you coaching? 你的伴侣对此有何意见?
Oh, this one? He's my rock. 他吗?他是我坚强的靠山。
He's...He's my Connie Britton. 是我的Connie Britton。
Your...your Connie Britton? 你 ...你的Connie Britton?
Mrs. Coach on "Friday Night Lights." “胜利之光”里的教练夫人啊。
Can I talk to you for a second? 可以跟你谈谈吗?
Uh, Don, Anne? Can we, uh... Don Anne?我们能...
Sure. 当然。
Yeah, what's up? 怎么了?
Do you have any idea how insulting4 you've been to me all morning? 你知道,整个早上你怎么侮辱我的吗?
What, because I just compared you to Connie Britton? Mitchell, she was an equal5 to coach Taylor. 怎么,因为我拿你和Connie Britton比吗?Mitchell 她跟Taylor教练很平等。
You'd know that if you saw the show. 看过这剧你就会懂。
Well, I guess I missed it because "The Cam show" was always on. 我想我没看因为“Cam秀”播个没完。
Really? You're not gonna let me have my moment here? 不是吧?你讨厌我受到关注?
It is always your moment, and usually I-I'm fine with that. 你总是很受关注,我通常没意见。
But the other night, I was trying to get them to cover my case, and you -you made it all about you. 但那晚,我希望劝他们报道我的案子,你却让自己成了焦点。
I did not. That is unfair. 才没有。这么说不公平。
I have always supported your job and know how important it is. 我一直支持你的工作,也明白那有多重要。
Really? What's my new case about? 是吗?我的新案子是啥?
The only one I was talking about for three weeks. 过去三周我就只念叨过这一件事儿。
People...who need people. 人们...需要他人支持。
Are they lucky, Cam? Cam,他们幸运吗?
Are they the luckiest people in the world? 是全世界最幸运的人吗?
Daddy, she won't stop crying again. 爹地,她又哭个不停。
One second, honey. 等一下,亲爱的。
Look, Cam, I love you very much, but I resent6 the way you're treating me today. Cam 我很爱你,但我讨厌你今天待我的方式。
Okay, I am not some 1950s housewife7. I... 我不是五十年代家庭主妇,我怕...



1 stuff Itsw1     
  • We could supply you with the stuff in the raw tomorrow.明天我们可以供应你原材料。
  • He is not the stuff.他不是这个材料。
2 gay sfOzP     
  • I don't know he was a gay person.我不知道他是同性恋者。
  • Spring comes round to the earth again and everything looks fresh and gay.春回大地,万象更新。
3 spouse Ah6yK     
  • Her spouse will come to see her on Sunday.她的丈夫星期天要来看她。
  • What is the best way to keep your spouse happy in the marriage?在婚姻中保持配偶幸福的最好方法是什么?
4 insulting mqizEs     
  • She was really insulting to me. 她对我实在粗鲁无礼。
  • All of us bristled at the lawyer's speech insulting our forefathers. 听到那个律师在讲演中污蔑我们的祖先,大家都气得怒发冲冠。
5 equal Nizzu     
  • Men and women enjoy equal pay for equal work.男女同工同酬。
  • Women in our country enjoy equal rights with men.在我国妇女享有同男子平等的权利。
6 resent wsqyu     
  • I resent his dictatorial manner.我痛恨他的独断作风。
  • I resent comments on the impracticality of small cars.我反对说小骄车不实用的说法。
7 housewife 7c0xI     
  • The cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice.巧妇难为无米之炊。
  • She was a housewife of experience.她是一个有经验的主妇。

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