摩登家庭第六季 第50期:弱者无以自卫
时间:2019-04-03 01:46:39
I felt awful after that pancake breakfast, and not just because Mitchell undercooked the bacon. 煎饼早餐过后我很内疚,不光因为Mitchell做的培根火候不够。
I hated that I didn't know what his case was about. 还因为我没搞清楚他的案子主题。
So I popped by the courtroom on the way to the game. 所以去比赛的路上我去了趟法庭。
These people
preyed1 on the poorest members of society -those who are unable to defend themselves. 这些人朝社会的弱小成员下手...弱者无以自卫。
They were treated with disrespect. 只能遭受不公待遇。
He was amazing! 他棒极了!
And he wasn't doing any of it for himself. 而且全然不是为了自己。
He was just trying to help those in need. 只想帮助有需要的人。
Can you imagine being robbed of your basic rights and a living wage? 你能想象被剥夺基本权利和救命钱的感受吗?
And after all those years of Mitchell supporting me, I was so happy to see all eyes on him. 多年来Mitchell一直支持我,看到他成为焦点,我真心高兴。
It was his moment. 那是属于他的时刻。
It's unfathomable. 无法预测。
But what this case...As I was saying, what this case is about is dignity -the dignity of those...And we need to take these people and we need to get them back... 然而此案...正如刚才所言,此案的核心在于尊严——那些...我们必须让他们回到...
Listen, I'm sorry I let Manny switch over to French without consulting you. 没跟你商量我就允许Manny转法语这是我不对。
I didn't think how it must be for you having to speak English all the time. 我不了解总是说一门外语的那种感受。
You have no idea. 你才知道。
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you I hired the
tutor2 back. 不过,我又把那个西语教师聘回来了。
Manny's not gonna like that. Manny不会高兴的。
He's too much into his French thing. 他迷上法语了。
The tutor's not for Manny. It's for me. Manny不是学生,我是。
Ay, Jay, I love it! Now you sound like the stupid one! Jay 我喜欢!你说的比我还蹩脚!
It's me. I'm back. 是我,我回来了。
Why? 干嘛?
I made a
pact3 with a friend of mine, and I am not leaving this office until I meet with Gavin Sinclair. 我跟朋友约定好了不见到Gavin Sinclair我决不离开。
I don't care what's on your
vision4 board. 我不知道你以为自己几斤几两。
You're not getting in there. 反正你甭想进去。
So if you could just...I'm
insanely5 busy. 走人吧哈。姐忙着呢。
Nikki, thank God you're here. Nikki 幸亏你在。
Peel this orange for me. 给我剥个橘子。