摩登家庭第六季 第51期:勇气
时间:2019-04-03 01:47:34
Mr. Sinclair, it's Haley Dunphy. I was supposed to see you for the assistant job. Sinclair先生,我是Haley Dunphy。我来应聘助理工作。
I have been studying your work, and I have to say the looks that you did for New York fashion week - put you... 我一直在研究您的作品,不得不说您在纽约时装周的作品—— 让您...
Ah! I'm really too busy right now. 我现在忙得很。
But I drove all the way down here. We had an appointment! 我开车老远来这里的。我们约好的!
Yeah, I looked at your blog. It's a little too cutesy for me. 是,不过我看了你的博客。你的东西太小家子气了。
I need someone with edge. 我需要些霸气的东西。
I have edge. 我很霸气啊。
You really don't. 真心没有。
You are
literally1 the most wide-eyed person I've ever seen. 你绝对是我见过眼睛最大的妹子。
You have the face of a cartoon lamb. 俨然一张卡通脸。
Thanks for coming by, though. 多谢登门。
What is that? I wanted the peel. 这是什么鬼,我要的是皮。
I think it's
weird2 you don't like cutesy considering half your clients at the Grammys looked like they just stepped out of a my little
pony3 fever dream. 你怎么能不喜欢萌物,你的过半客户在格莱美颁奖礼上都像从动画片里走出来的。
That's good. But not at me. 说的好,但别冲着我。
Never at me. 永远别挑我的刺。
Nikki, stop. Nikki 等下。
There are five things wrong with Nikki's
outfit4. Nikki的穿着搭配有五处错误。
What are they? 分别是什么?
I'm dressed better than she is. 我穿的可比她好看多了。
The tank gives you a uniboob. The watch is too big. 胸部挤得不对称。手表太大。
The harem pants, the wedge boots, and come on, that belt? 哈伦裤,坡跟靴还有你那腰带,拜托。
The 90s have been out for three years. 复古风早在三年前就不流行了。
And that's five. Now should I do you? 五个了。要不要再挑挑你的毛病?
Victoire! C'est magnifique! 赢了!太棒了!
Uh, excuse me, young man. 不好意思,小伙子。
Was it coach Tucker's openness that gave you the courage to come out? 是因为Tucker教练的开放才给予你出柜的勇气吗?
What? 啥?
Hey, you! 嘿,你来了!
Come here. 过来。
Court ran a little late, but I got to see you win. Congratulations. 在法院上耽搁了一会儿,但我可得来看你的胜利。恭喜。
Thank you! 谢谢!