摩登家庭第六季 第55期:一颗牙
时间:2019-04-03 01:59:08
We really need to remember to return this backpack to Lily. 我们一定要记得把这个背包还给莉莉。
Oh, and, honey, don't forget Mitchell hates
raisins1. 亲爱的,别忘了米奇尔不喜欢吃葡萄干。
So when you're making the stuffing, you can't put any...I know how hard it is for you to hand over the
reins2, but you have got to trust me. 所以你填火鸡的时候,一点都不能...我知道让你移交管辖权很难,但你得相信我。
I do trust you. It's just easy to forget the little things. 我相信你。只是这些小细节很容易忘嘛。
I'm not going to forget anything. Now go. 我什么也不会忘的。走吧。
You two need to run to the grocery store. I forgot green beans, yams, and
cranberry3 sauce. 你俩快去一趟杂货店。我忘记买绿豆、番薯和蔓越莓酱了。
What's in the crib? 婴儿床里藏着什么?
What crib? You're a crib. 什么偷偷摸摸?你才偷偷摸摸。
Shouldn't you be studying? 你不是应该在学习嘛?
Well, I'm done with my midterms. 期中考都结束了。
I finished my college essay. And I was just about to go on a bike ride. 大学申请论文也写完了。我正打算出去骑自行车。
Why are you
acting4 so guilty? 你怎么一副犯了错的样子?
You're guilty. 你才犯了错。
How did I ever get to be a champion debater? 我是怎么成为优秀辩手的?
It is a backup turkey. 是备用火鸡啦。
I bought it in case your father's doesn't work out, which I hope it does. 我怕你爸爸做得不好吃才买的,我希望他做得好吃。
But if it doesn't, this could save him a lot of
embarrassment5. 但万一不好吃,这只可以让他免于难堪。
Please don't tell him. 请别告诉他。
He would die if he thought I didn't trust him. 如果他以为我不信任他会气死的。
Interesting. I mean, I'm going off to college soon. 有意思。我很快都要去上大学了。
All of a sudden, you're keeping something warm in my old crib. 你却突然间在我的旧婴儿床里放热乎的东西。
Here you go, sweetie. You'll like this better. 来吧,亲爱的,你会更喜欢这个。
Oh, my gosh. You got to be kidding me. Not this again. 天啊,你开玩笑呢吗。别再这样了。
What? She said her eggs were
watery6, so I made her a waffle. 什么?她说煎蛋太水了,所以我给她做了华夫饼。
Please don't make a thing out of it. I've seen you send food back. Remember that time in Miami? 别小题大做。我见过你把吃的退回去。还记得迈阿密那次吗?
Okay, first of all, this isn't a restaurant. 首先,这里不是饭店。
Secondly7, my bisque had a tooth in it. 其次,那是因为那份浓汤里有一颗牙。
It was a shell. 是贝壳。
There was a filling in it. 那是实心的。
Ugh, I don't feel like waffles. Can you make me cereal? 我不想吃华夫饼。能不能帮我弄麦片?
Sure. Absolutely not. Absolutely not, Lily. 当然。坚决不行。绝对不行,莉莉。
You are gonna finish that waffle, or you're not gonna have breakfast. 把华夫饼吃完,不然就什么都没得吃。
Can I at least eat it in front of the TV? 那我边看电视边吃总可以吧?
Yes. No. 可以。不行。
Thanks, daddy. Mean daddy. 谢谢爸爸。坏爸爸。