摩登家庭第六季 第56期:你是叫我摘掉婚戒吗?
时间:2019-04-03 02:00:05
Okay, okay. You give in to her every whim1, and I'm mean daddy. That's not true. 好吧,好吧。她每次想要什么你都给,我成了坏爸爸。才没有。
Isn't it? What's this? This is how she sees us. 是吗?那这是什么?这就是我们在她眼里的样子。
I'm a screaming
demon2, and you're just a-smilin' and a-bakin'. 我是个尖叫的魔鬼,你就是快乐小天使。
And, incidentally, do we really think this is refrigerator-worthy? 顺便说下真有必要把这贴冰箱上吗?
She put it up yesterday after you made her clean her room. 昨天你让她整理房间后她贴上去的。
And after you made her brownies. 而你给她做了布朗尼蛋糕。
She is gonna turn into a willful, fat little girl unless you start getting tough with her, 你要是还不对她严一点,她会变成一个任性的小胖子的,
because right now you're her
pal3, and I'm just the pitchfork-wielding she-devil. 现在你是她的小伙伴,我就是拿着叉子的妖兽。
It lined up, didn't it? 我跟画里对上了,是吧?
Yeah, we really got lucky with you holding that fork. 是啊,你拿着叉子简直大亮。
Long story short. 长话短说。
If you pour it, it's
cranberry4 sauce. 要是用倒的,就是蔓越莓酱。
But I'm sorry, if you slice it, it's cranberry jelly. 要是用切的,不好意思就成蔓越莓果冻了。
literally5 driving as fast as this car can go. 我已经踩足了油门了。
Is that a sock in your sleeve? 你袖子里那个是袜子吗?
I did laundry at your house this morning, and you have no
dryer6 sheets. 我今早在你家洗衣服,可你们没有除静电纸。
I like staying with you, but it's basically camping. 我喜欢住在你们家,不过这就跟野营一样。
I'm - I'm so sorry! I didn't feel anything. 对不起!我什么也没感觉到。
I mean, of - of course I felt something, and you do have them - I mean... 我是说,我当然有感觉到你显然很有料,我是说...
Why didn't you
honk7? ! 你怎么不按喇叭?!
Wouldn't that have just made it worse? 那样不就更糟了吗?
Now, Philip, rub the breasts and
thighs8 with olive oil. 好了,菲利普,用橄榄油按摩鸡胸和鸡腿。
I'm a little new at this, but okay. 好吧,虽然我没怎么试过。
Before stuffing the bird, you may want to remove your
jewelry9. 往火鸡里填料前最好取下首饰。
You mean take off my wedding ring? 你是叫我摘掉婚戒吗?
You bad, bad girl. 你实在太坏了。
Who are you talking to? I was -nothing. Who? 你在跟谁说话?我,没有,谁啊?
I'm not gonna throw away 20 years of -- Is the salad burning? 我才不会舍弃二十年的...沙拉是不是糊了?
Here's everything, including your cranberry so-called sauce. 东西都买好了,包括你的所谓的蔓越莓酱。
That was fast. I was driving 70 miles an hour. 速度好快。我以每小时70英里的速度飞驶。
Now, Philip, cover the breast and legs with a buttered cheesecloth. 好了,菲利普,在鸡胸和鸡腿上包一层涂过黄油的干酪包布。
That thing's a little creepy. 那声音有点诡异。
You're a little creepy. 你才有点诡异。