摩登家庭第六季 第57期:一次才是意外,色狼!
时间:2019-04-03 02:00:43
I don't love being the person who hides in her garage with her secret crib turkey, but it's not always fun being the backstop. 我不喜欢跟藏在摇篮里的备用火鸡躲在车库里,但做后备军本身就不是件有趣的事。
You're telling me. 你还说呢。
Until you get home from work every day, my main job is keeping Luke alive. 你每天下班回家之前我的主要工作就是让卢克好好活着。
I actually caught him on the
treadmill1 with scissors. 有次我发现他在跑步机上玩剪刀。
Do you ever feel
jealous2 of them? 你有没有嫉妒过他们?
You do, too? 你也有过吗?
Oh, yeah, all the time. 是啊,没断过。
Please, while you and I are busy being responsible, thing one and thing two are off having so much fun. 拜托,我们忙着收拾烂摊子的时候一号痴线和二号痴线正玩得开心呢。
Ple-- "Billion-dollar ideas"? 拜托,价值十亿的点子?
The real head scratcher "T.M." Now, that - that is a
classic3. 这不是“真感觉挠头器”吗。简直是经典。
Look at this. 还有这个。
Isn't that the old T-shirt
cannon4 that dad
modified5 for Luke to take on his paper route? 这是之前老爸用T恤喷射器给卢克改造的那个送报纸工具吗?
Yeah, it's a fun idea, huh? 是啊,这主意很有趣,对吧?
You know, there's no reason you and I can't relax a little and have as much fun as they do. 其实,我们完全可以放松放松,像他们那样找点乐子。
I'm in. Let's be more like those
idiots6. 赞成。我们也像他们一样犯犯傻。
Yeah. Con-garage-ulations. 对,车库犯傻快乐。
Nailed it. 妥妥的。
What's going on in here? 你们在干什么?
Um, n-nothing. Nothing. We - it's not what it looks like. 没什么,没什么。我们,不是看上去的那样。
Really? 真的?
No. 真的。
Cause what it looks like is me taking over the cooking duties has allowed my girls here to let down their hair and have fun for a change. 看上去好像我掌勺后,我的姑娘们终于可以放放松玩一玩了。
Looks like you even dug out the old news-zooka. 你们把这陈年旧货都挖出来了。
Oh, no! 哦不!
Oh, my god! Again? ! 你不是吧!又来!
I-it was an accident! 那是意外!
Once is an accident, perv. 一次才能说是意外,色狼。
Honey, come on. It's time to go. 宝贝,快点,该走了。
I'm ready. 来了。
Oh, no, sweetie, we bought you that pretty new Thanksgiving dress. 不行,亲爱的,穿我们给你新买的那件漂亮感恩节裙子吧。
But I want to wear this. 可我想穿这身。
She wants to wear that, Cameron. 她想穿这件衣服,卡梅隆。
Thoughts? 你有什么想法?
Well, Lily, uh, we're all dressed up. 莉莉,我们都盛装打扮。
You don't want to be disrespectful, do you? 你不希望表现得很失礼吧?
I should be able to wear what I want. 我应该可以想穿什么就穿什么。
Okay, well, sweetie, listen, I'm afraid we can't leave until you put that dress on. 好吧,亲爱的,听着,你如果不穿那裙子我们恐怕就不能走了。
Okay. 好吧。