
摩登家庭第六季 第58期:给你一个下马威!

时间:2019-04-03 02:01:19



 You see? 看到了吗?

As much as you want me to yell, I have a more effective method. 尽管你很想看到我大喊大叫,可我有更有效的办法。
When you say to a child, "I will treat you with dignity and respect," 当你跟一个孩子说,“我会给予你礼遇和尊重”,
that child will, in turn, say to you -- I left the tag on. This is going back Monday. 那个孩子就会反过来对你说...我没摘下标签,周一就把它退回去。
Oh, and right in the middle of getting up on such a high, high horse. 就在你正酝酿盛气凌人的姿态时给你一个下马威。
Okay, Lily. 莉莉。
You said put it on. Well, it's on. Let's go. 你说穿上就行的。我穿上了,我们走吧。
We cannot let her run the show like this. 我们不能让她这样自作主张。
Okay, trust me, I have another plan. 好吧,相信我,我另有安排。
Really? Because right now, our child's walking around like a Vietnamese Annie Hall. 真的吗?因为现我们的孩子就像越南版的安妮.霍尔。
Mitchell, I will make it clear that she is not the boss. 米奇尔,我会让她明白她说得不算。
Okay, well, no, no, we can't go out now. 好吧,不不,我们现在不能出去。
Okay, where did she learn that annoying habit? 她从哪学来的这烦人的习惯?
Claire's been picking her up from meditation1 Mondays. 克莱尔每周一都会去冥想班接她。
The little bird's coming along nicely. 小火鸡就快美美地出炉了。
Hey, this could be our new Thanksgiving tradition. 这可以成为我们新的感恩节传统。
What, hiding from our own family? 什么传统,躲避我们的家人吗?
Hey, if the Indians hid a little bit more, they might still have this country. 如果印第安人稍稍躲藏一点的话,他们现在可能还拥有自己的国家。
No, just taking a break from each other. 不,只是远离大家,稍微清静一下。
God knows I couldn't love them more, but the Kennedys didn't get together as much as this family. 上帝知道我有多爱他们,不过肯尼迪家族也不像我们这样频繁见面。
So you don't feel guilty? 所以你不觉得内疚吗?
For what? Not sharing this 30-year-old scotch2 with Phil? 内疚什么?没跟菲尔分享这瓶三十年的威士忌吗?
He mixes it with 7up, Gloria. 他用七喜兑着喝,歌洛莉亚。
It's a hate crime. 那简直是仇恨罪。
Let's hope the power isn't out here, too. 希望这里没有停电。
It looks fine. The porch light's on. 看起来没问题,门廊的灯亮着。
Turkey coming through! 火鸡来啦!
They moved the damn dinner here. 他们把该死的晚餐挪到这里来了。
Thank you for cracking the code. 谢谢你帮我破解密码。
Pop the turkey in the oven, Luke. 把火鸡放到烤箱里,卢克。
Lost a little cooking time, but if we crank it to 550, dinner should be on the table as scheduled. 损失了点时间,不过如果提高烤箱温度晚餐应该会按时做好。
Yes, chef. 遵命,主厨。
So, how's it going in here? 这里进行得怎么样了?
Minor3 little speed bump, but we're back on track. You just relax. 耽误了一点时间,不过现在恢复正常了。你不用担心。
Honey, I trust you completely. 亲爱的,我完全相信你。
You've got your sweaty little helper, and mama has hers. 你有可爱的小助手,妈妈我也有。
Thanks. 谢谢。
So, how long until you sneak4 home and get the backup turkey? 还有多久你才会偷溜回家把后备火鸡拿过来?
Have a little faith. 有一点信心。
You're really trusting dad to do this? In me. 你真的相信爸爸能做好吗?对我有信心。
It's in Lily's backpack in the trunk of the car. 火鸡在车后备箱里,莉莉的背包中。



1 meditation yjXyr     
  • This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.这个恬静的花园适于冥想。
  • I'm sorry to interrupt your meditation.很抱歉,我打断了你的沉思。
2 scotch ZZ3x8     
  • Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破。
  • Italy was full of fine views and virtually empty of Scotch whiskey.意大利多的是美景,真正缺的是苏格兰威士忌。
3 minor e7fzR     
  • The young actor was given a minor part in the new play.年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。
  • I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。
4 sneak vr2yk     
  • He raised his spear and sneak forward.他提起长矛悄悄地前进。
  • I saw him sneak away from us.我看见他悄悄地从我们身边走开。

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