摩登家庭第六季 第61期:墨西哥实在太脏了!
时间:2019-04-03 02:05:17
Hey, sweetie, what are you reading? 宝贝,你在读什么呢?
What are you wearing? 你这穿的什么啊?
Well, I think it's Dolce & Gabbana. 我觉得是杜嘉班纳牌的。
She asked "What," not "Who." Do you see red carpet? 她问你穿的是什么,不是牌子。你看到红地毯了吗?
Oh, well, we're just wearing dresses over our boy clothes, like you. 我们就在男生的衣服外面套上裙子,跟你一样。
Oh, no, I forgot. Us wearing dresses upsets you, doesn't it? 不,我忘了。我们穿裙子你会不高兴,对吧?
Yeah, it does. 没错。
I don't want to make her uncomfortable, but we should be able to wear whatever we want. 我们不想让你难受的,可我们有权决定自己想穿什么。
what to do, what to do? 怎么办,怎么办?
I just can't believe I slipped into one of Gloria's dresses. 我不敢相信我居然穿得进歌洛莉亚的裙子。
Okay, we tell them we took the noon flight out, and, uh -- where's Joe? 好了,我们就说做了中午的航班回来,然后,乔呢?
I thought you were bringing him! 我以为是你带他的!
Empty suitcases! 空箱子!
How are we gonna walk in there without...? 我们怎么能进去却没带着...
The little turkey! 那只小火鸡!
I don't like you calling him that. 我不喜欢你这么叫他。
No, no, the little turkey I was cooking for us. 不,我说的是我正在做的那个小火鸡。
It's still in the oven. 还在烤箱里呢。
Okay. 好吧。
I'll say I have to put Joe down for a nap, and you get rid of the turkey. 我就说我要送乔上楼睡觉,你负责处理掉火鸡。
I'm just saying you get very mad because I forgot Joe, but when it comes to turkey...I don't have time for these. 我只是说你很生气我忘了乔可是一提到火鸡...现在没时间说这个。
No, if it really bothers Lily, then we should change, Cam, and then maybe Lily will also consider... 如果莉莉看到了很不爽,那我们就该改变了,小卡,这样莉莉可能也会考虑...
Hola, family! We came back early because we miss you. 大家好啊!我们想你们了,所以提前回来。
We saw the cars. What, did you move the party here? 我们看见车停在外面。怎么了,你们把聚餐改在这里了吗?
Yes! Hello! 是啊!好久不见!
So, hey, d-dad, listen, the reason that we're wearing these dresses... 老爸,听着我们之所以穿着这些裙子是因为...
Do what you got to do. 你们开心就好。
I got to get this little guy up to bed because that plane ride really knocked him out. 我现在得把这小家伙送上床,他有点晕机。
Oh, my God! 天哪!
He's fine. See? Not crying. 他没事的,你看他都没哭。
That's not necessarily a good thing. 这可不一定是好兆头。
And I'm gonna take the luggage to the laundry because Mexico is very dirty. 我要把行李拿到洗衣房去,因为墨西哥实在太脏了。
Dad and Gloria seem really okay with us wearing dresses. 爸和歌洛莉亚看见我们穿裙子居然没有大惊小怪。
Yeah, like we do it every day? 是啊,我们又不是天天这样。
Well, if it's okay with grandpa, it's okay with me. 如果外公没意见,我也不介意。