摩登家庭第六季 第63期:我喝醉了吗?
时间:2019-04-03 02:06:07
We need a smaller platter or something that makes this look normal-sized! 我们需要一个小一点的盘子,让这只火鸡看起来是正常大小!
How do you feel about a coaster? 用杯垫怎么样?
Fill it in with this sandwich turkey. 拿这个做三明治的火鸡片来充充数。
It's past its sell-by date, but I always think that's more of a suggestion, anyway. 我知道这已经过期了,但我一直觉得保质期只是供参考而已。
I'm gonna get them all loaded up on bread. 我先去用面包把他们都喂饱。
And now, Philip, what to do with all the
leftovers1. 菲利普,接下来你要怎么处理剩下的食材呢。
What happened to the sweet girl I downloaded? 我之前下载的那个甜心去哪了?
So, did you have it out with our daughter? 你跟女儿说清楚没有?
Well, you know, it's a holiday, and I...Fine! I will handle this. 要知道,今天是节日,我...好,那我来吧...
I will be the
permanent2 bad guy in this family cause you're so afraid of our daughter not
liking3 you. 我就唱一辈子白脸好了,就因为你太怕女儿会不喜欢你。
But just so you know, I had one parent growing up who wanted to be my friend and another one who didn't care about that. 我就是想告诉你,我的父母里,有一个想成为我的朋友,一个并不关心他是不是我的朋友。
Guess which one is still in my life. 猜猜现在哪个还经常和我在一起。
Delicious homemade bread? 要来点美味的自制面包吗?
That looks like just regular white bread. You two seem
drunk4. This will
soak5 up the booze. 这就是普通的白面包啊。你们俩好像喝醉了,这能解酒。
Am I? 我喝醉了吗?
Oh, Alex. Wait. Lily. 艾丽克斯,等等。莉莉。
Alex brought your backpack in for you. 艾丽克斯把你的背包拿来给你了。
So why don't you go ahead and take it out to our car? 你何不把它拿到我们的车上去呢?
Maybe later. 晚点再说吧。
No, Lily! 莉莉,不行!
It's okay. I will take it now. 没关系的,我来吧。
Alex, put the backpack down! 艾丽克斯,给我把包放下!
Mom! 老妈!
Lily, you are not in charge of what you wear, of breakfast, or anything. 莉莉,衣着,早餐,还有其他事都不是你说了算。
Now, put that backpack on and march it out to the car! 现在,背上背包,朝着我们的车进发!
It's too heavy. 这包太重了。
Well, that's tough because I'm not carrying it for you anymore! 生活是艰难的,因为以后我不会再帮你背着包了!
I like this new guy, huh? 我喜欢全新的你。
See? I told you it was too heavy. 瞧吧,我就跟你们说太重了吧。
My gosh, what in the world is in this? No! 天啊,这包里到底装了什么啊?!不要!
Claire, why is there a
fully6 cooked turkey in the backpack we left at your house? 克莱尔,我们落在你家的背包里怎么突然多了一只烤好的火鸡?
Yes, Claire, why is there? Could it be you made a backup because you never trusted me with the dinner at all? 是啊,克莱尔,怎么会出现的呢?会不会是因为你烤了个备用的,因为你根本不相信我能做好这顿晚餐?
Well, I thought there was a chance that...What, that I'd
screw7 everything up? 我觉得有可能...有可能我会搞砸一切吗?
You know what? I have half a mind to pack up the beautiful meal I made...Dinner is served! 你知道吗,我郑重告诉你我打算把我做的美味晚餐装好...晚餐上来啦!