摩登家庭第六季 第65期:二位穿着裙子晃荡
时间:2019-04-03 02:10:38
A br- a break from what? 躲着什么啊?
From Thanksgiving craziness. From -- from stress, from
yelling1, from these two parading around in dresses. 躲着感恩节的疯狂。比如压力,吼叫以及这二位穿着裙子晃荡。
That was a one-time thing. Okay, we don't wear dresses at home. 一次而已。我们在家可不穿裙子。
Now, look, I get that Thanksgiving is a big day for families who never see each other, but this group is together non-stop. 听着,我知道感恩节对于那些长年见不到的家人们来说是一件大事,但我们这个家的人几乎时刻都黏在一起。
Look, why don't you take the suitcase turkey home with you? 不如你们把行李箱里的这只火鸡带回家?
You take the backpack turkey. 你们把备用火鸡带回家。
We'll order a pizza, and we'll all call it a night. 我们叫披萨外卖,今晚就到此为止吧。
Fine. That sounds great. All right. Okay, fine. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! 好啊,是个好主意。好吧,行。不!不!不要!
I know I seem like the last person to say this, but we can't just skip Thanksgiving! 我知道我一般不会说这种话的,但我们不能直接略过感恩节啊!
Time is going by so fast. 时光飞逝啊。
It seemed like only yesterday that Manny was hot for me, and he's not anymore. 似乎就在昨天,曼尼还对我一往情深,现在却完全没有了。
And someday, Alex may have a boyfriend who wants her to spend it with his family. 某天,艾丽克斯也会有个男朋友,他会希望带她回他家去过感恩节。
Okay, we probably got a little window there. 好吧,那或许还需要等上几年。
But my point is that I love my crazy family, and I want to spend this holiday with them. 但我想说的是,我爱我疯狂的家人们,我想跟我的家人们一起过这个感恩节。
If you want a break, we can skip Christmas. 如果你们想清静,我们可以略过圣诞节。
Fine. Settled. Okay. 行吧。就这么定了。好吧。
Skip Christmas. 那就略过圣诞节吧。
Okay. cool. 好吧,行。
I already had plans to spend Christmas in Cabo with my friends. 我早计划好和我的朋友们去卡波过圣诞节了。
I've got to get out of here. 我必须想个办法脱身。
Why did we eat all three turkeys? 我们为什么要把三只火鸡都吃掉啊?
I hope that Thanksgiving's on a Friday next year, so that I can sleep through the entire weekend. 我希望明年的圣诞节是在周五,那样我整个周末就可以一直睡了。
Mom, can you take this one? I'm
exhausted2. 妈,你能教化一下她吗?我实在累了。
Wow, you really must be. 你肯定是累坏了。
Phil, give it up. 菲尔,省省吧。
Honey, you can dance all you want, but you're not fooling anyone. 亲爱的,无论你怎么跳舞但你骗不了任何人。
Are the cheeks turning nice and pink? 面皮表层变成漂亮的粉红色了吗?
What's the problem? 到底是出什么毛病了?
plunge6 into cold water. 现在请置入冷水中。
I was just about to suggest the same thing. 我刚刚正打算建议你做同样的事呢。