摩登家庭第六季 第66期:跟我约会的送花小哥
时间:2019-04-03 02:12:38
Look what someone left in our mailbox - again. 看我又在邮箱里发现了什么。
Wait, that's like our fifth one, isn't it? It's getting kind of creepy. 等等,这是第五朵了吧?越来越恐怖了。
Oh, relax - it's probably just from Victor, that flower-delivery guy I dated. 放松啦,可能是维克托放的,就是以前跟我约会的送花小哥。
Who's Victor? We never heard about him. 谁是维克托?我们从没听过他。
Oh, because I knew you'd never let me go out with an ex-con. 因为我知道你们不会让我跟一个有前科的家伙出去的。
Hey, maybe it's Dylan trying to win you back. 也许是迪兰想赢回你的心所以送来的。
So, Victor - it's a closed door? 那么维克托,彻底不可能了吗?
Maybe it's not a guy who's in love with Haley. 可能并不是喜欢海莉的人。
Oh, thank you. 谢谢。
Maybe it's a guy who's
obsessed1 with Haley and is getting plastic surgery to look like her so he can replace her and live her life. 可能是某个迷恋海莉的家伙打算做整形手术变成她的样子,这样就可以取代她,过她的生活。
Luke. So they can only be for Haley? 卢克。就只能是给海莉的吗?
Of course not. Haley isn't the only hottie living here. 当然不是。这里又不是只有海莉一个尤物。
I washed the car in my cheer shorts the other day. I definitely felt eyes on me. 我前几天穿着我的运动短裤洗车。明显感觉到有人在看我。
Has it ever occurred to you that those flowers could be for me? 你们就没想过那些花可能是给我的吗?
What do you mean? 什么意思?
I mean, like, from my boyfriend. 我的意思是也许是我男朋友送的。
What? 什么?
You have a boyfriend? 你有男朋友了?
And you thought my thing was crazy. 你们居然还觉得我的想法不可思议。
Alex, you have a boyfriend? You can't just drop that and ave. 艾丽克斯,你有男朋友了?你别就这么撂下一句话就走了啊。
Honey, it is so exciting. Why didn't you tell us? 亲爱的,太惊喜了。你为什么没告诉我们?
Because I knew you'd get all
weird2 and ask a million stupid questions. What does he look like? How did you meet him? 因为我知道你们会觉得很诡异,然后问一堆蠢问题。他长什么样?你怎么认识他的?
Okay, I'll show you a photo. 我给你们看照片。
Well, I would, but now my phone's not working. 我是想给你们看,但我手机坏了。
Oh, here he is. 对了,这里有他。
In the supermarket flyer? 超市宣传单上嘛?
That's him pondering the pork chops? 就是提着猪排的那个人吗?
What's to ponder? They're $4.59 a pound. 有什么好考虑的?一磅4.59美元
I don't understand. Why is he in this? 我不明白他怎么在这里头。
He's a model, mom. 他是模特,老妈。
Oh, wait, wait. Your boyfriend's a model? 等等,你男友是模特?
Well, how did you meet him? There's not much crossover for a national honor society student and a pork model. 你怎么认识他的?全国优秀学生跟猪排模特能有多少交集啊。
Well, actually, it's a really long story. I...Oh, well -- it's him. 实际上,说来话长,我...是他的电话。