
摩登家庭第六季 第67期:我也要请我男朋友来!

时间:2019-04-03 02:13:13



 Hey, hold on. 等等。

This is terrific1 news. I can't believe she didn't tell us about him. 真是太好了。不敢相信她居然没跟我们说男朋友的事。
Oh, that's what you can't believe? 你不敢相信的就是这个吗?
What do you mean? 你什么意思?
Phil, it is a little weird2. 菲尔,真有点怪怪的。
I mean, suddenly she has this boyfriend. 突然之间,她就有了个男朋友。
She wants to show us a picture on her phone, but she can't, and magically3 he's in today's paper? 她想给我们看手机里的照片,但是又没办法,然后他又神奇般地出现在了今天的报纸里?
I don't even want to say it. Haley. 我都不想说了,海莉。
She's making it up. 她肯定是编的。
Why would she do that? 她为什么这么做?
Maybe she's upset that none of us thought those roses could be for her. 可能我们都不相信那些玫瑰是给她的让她很伤心。
Oh, and remember when she couldn't get a date for homecoming? 还记得她有一次找不到舞伴参加返校节吗?
She said she didn't care, but I caught her crying in her room. 她说她不在乎,但我撞见她在她屋里哭来着。
Oh, honey, what did you say to her? 亲爱的,你怎么劝的她?
Oh, I-I was super late, so I didn't really...This is sad. 那天我要迟到了,我也就没...太可悲了。
Alex has great news and her own mother and sister don't believe her? 艾丽克斯有了天大的喜事,但她的母亲和姐姐居然不相信她?
I want to. 我也想信她。
Well, I do believe her. 我真的相信她。
I'm gonna tell her to invite this boyfriend over for dinner, and I'll be serving a big, old platter of "I told you so." 我要让她请她男朋友到家里吃晚饭,我会给你们做一道名叫“早就告诉过你了”的大菜。
Oh, great. 太好了。
Maybe you could also serve unicorn4 burgers and magic beans, and I'll invite my boyfriend, Bigfoot! 你还可以做独角兽汉堡和魔法豆子,我也要请我男朋友来,野人大脚!
Still better than Dylan. 还是比迪兰好。
Okay. I got a surprise for you. 来,我给你准备了个惊喜。
It better not be another baby. 别是又领了个宝宝吧。
Is there something fun behind the couch5? 沙发后面有什么好玩的吗?
An Edgar Vanderkoff hand-crafted blanc de blanc sofa. 埃德加·范德考夫牌的手工特白沙发。
It was a wedding gift to ourselves. 是我们给自己的结婚礼物。
Plus, we're showing lily that we trust her enough to let us have one nice thing. 我们也是在告诉莉莉,我们相信她不会破坏这么美的东西。
When you think about it like that, it's really a gift for Lily. Yeah. 你这么想的话那真是给莉莉送了份大礼。
Okay, whoa. We only get on this couch when we know we're not dirty. 好吧。只有确定自己是干净的才能坐这沙发。
That's why we got her the couch. 所以我们才给她买这个沙发。
To teach her about respect. Legs a little wider please. 教她懂得尊重。双腿再分开点。
Is that a cookie in your back pocket? 你的后兜里是一块饼干吗?
Yep. 是的。
Okay. Bup-up-up! Hey, nice and slow. 好吧。拿出来,慢点。



1 terrific 9pwwG     
  • The game was terrific.那场比赛棒极了。
  • Darren drove at a terrific speed.达伦以惊人的速度驾车。
2 weird bghw8     
  • From his weird behaviour,he seems a bit of an oddity.从他不寻常的行为看来,他好像有点怪。
  • His weird clothes really gas me.他的怪衣裳简直笑死人。
3 magically ooDzk7     
  • Behind the bar, Bruno Tattaglia made a lighter appear magically and held it to Luca's cigarette. 布鲁诺 - 塔塔格里亚从柜台后魔术般地递过来一个打火机给路加点香烟。 来自教父部分
  • In most cases, if a user could achieve his goals magically, without your product, he would. 在多数情况下,如果用户能够神奇地实现其目标,即使不通过你的产品,他会这么做的。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
4 unicorn Ak7wK     
  • The unicorn is an imaginary beast.独角兽是幻想出来的动物。
  • I believe unicorn was once living in the world.我相信独角兽曾经生活在这个世界。
5 couch mzfxf     
  • Lie down on the couch if you're feeling ill.如果你感觉不舒服就躺到沙发上去。
  • The rabbIt'sprang from its grassy couch.兔子从草丛中跳出。

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