摩登家庭第六季 第84期:我是个完美的小天使
时间:2019-04-03 03:00:13
Phil? 菲尔?
What are we doing? That was a great deal. 我们在干什么?那个价格已经很低了。
Wrong. Keep walking. Jay, I need this car. We're supposed to be at the
bar1 in 20 minutes. 错,别停下。杰,我需要这辆车。二十分钟内我们就要赶到酒吧去。
Calm down. He's not gonna let us leave the lot. 淡定。他不会让我们离开这里的。
You can order your Appletini now and be there before the ice
melts2. 你现在点一杯苹果马提尼,等你到酒吧的时候冰都不会化的。
You better be right about this 'cause you are dead wrong about Appletinis having ice. 买车这事上你最好是对的,因为苹果马提尼里根本没有冰。
Hey! Guys, hold on a second! 伙计们!等一下!
Yes, Daryl. 什么事,达里尔。
You forgot your sunglasses. 你忘记拿墨镜了。
Happy? 开心啦?
Yeah. These aren't my sunglasses. 是的。这不是我的墨镜。
I cannot believe Haley didn't like the shoes. 真不敢相信海莉不喜欢那双鞋。
Oh, come on. Of course she did. 别这么想。她当然喜欢了。
No, she most certainly did not. She gave us the high voice. "They're cute!" 不,我很确定她不喜欢,她用了高音。“好可爱啊”!
I know the voice. I invented the voice. I use the voice. 我知道那音调。那音调是我发明的,我常用的。
Wait. So, I can't pull off mid-thigh shorts? 等等,这么说我不适合穿中长裤吗?
No, you can. Pull them off and give them to somebody 20 years younger. 不,你可以。你可以脱下来送给比你年轻二十岁的人。
You're so silly! 你可真傻!
Haley just asked me -- 海莉刚才问我...
Oh, you don't want to know, trust me. 你不会想知道的,相信我。
No, I do. I do. I do. I do. I do. Tell me. 不,我想,我想知道,告诉我。
No, you'll just be all judgy because you want me to be this perfect, little
angel4. 不,你又会评头论足了,因为你希望我是个完美的小天使。
Oh, honey, no, that's not true. 宝贝,不,不是那样的。
I know I have not done a great job of it so far, but I meant it when I said I want to have a more adult
relationship5. 我知道目前为止我做得不是很好,但是我是真心的,我希望跟你的关系更成人化。
I am sure the reason why mom and I grew
apart6 is that she never stopped treating me like a child. 我很肯定我和妈产生隔阂的原因就是她一直把我当孩子来对待。
Plus, she was loco for Loco-puffs. 而且她就是让疯狂朱古力泡芙发疯的原因。
What, you do not have that
cereal7? 怎么,你们都没吃过那种麦片吗?
Come on. Haley, let me in. 海莉,告诉我。
Okay, fine, so we were laughing because we were playing "Would you rather." 好吧,我们刚才笑是因为我们在玩“你选哪个”的游戏。
What's that? 那是什么游戏?
And I said, "Would you rather marry George Clooney "or have the best
sex8 of your life for just one night with Tom
Hardy9?" 我说,你选嫁给乔治.克鲁尼还是跟汤姆.哈迪滚一次这辈子最棒的床单?
Who's that? I don't know. Google him. 那是谁?不知道,上网搜一下。