
摩登家庭第六季 第91期:迫不及待

时间:2019-04-04 00:33:33



 Oh! Uh, the tattooing2...It does really hurt. I don't think I drank enough. 纹身这东西...真的好疼啊。看来我喝得还不够多。

Huh. So, a couple of firsts tonight. 那今晚还真是开了不少先例。
Okay, what should we get? It needs to be something important to us. I-is Nelson Mandela still in jail? 我们该纹什么呢?要纹对我们有重要意义的图案。纳尔逊.曼德拉还在监狱吗?
I think it should be something just a little more personal. 应该要纹私人点的比较好吧。
Okay, what about lilies for Lily? 好吧,那百合怎么样?代表莉莉。
Flowers? Be faster just to get the word "Gay". 花?迫不及待想说我们是弯的吗。
I hope everybody's ready! So beautiful. 大家都准备好了吧,好漂亮啊。
Well, check it, losers. I am all tatted up. 来看看吧,胆小鬼。姐纹好了。
Ay, I'm so proud of you. I can't believe you did this. 真为你骄傲,居然真的纹身了。
I know! I know! I know! It's very sexy. Very nice. Yeah. 是啊!是啊!是啊!好性感。好好看。对啊。
Well, it is sanskrit for "Mother". And Haley's gonna get one that says "Daughter." 梵文里是"母亲"的意思。海莉要纹一个“女儿”。
Well... 这个嘛...
Well, what? It's just, um, I-I'm not totally sure I'm not bailing3. 这个什么?只是,我不是很确定我会不会临阵退缩。
No. No, you're not. 不会,你不能退缩。
But it just looks super painful, a-a-and this is nothing to do with you, but I don't think I want a tattoo1 when I have old skin. 可是看上去超痛的,还有,这跟你无关,但我不想皮肤皱巴巴的时候有纹身。
Haley, if you don't get "Daughter", it's gonna look like I did this for my mother, and then I'm gonna have to saw my leg off. 海莉,你不纹"女儿"的话,这就像是我为我妈纹的,那样的话我就得把腿锯了。
Or you could just add to it. 或者你可以再多纹一个词。
Hey, what's sanskrit for "Issues"? 梵文的“问题”怎么写?
Haley, come on. You're up. Let's go. 海莉,快,到你了,纹吧。
I don't know, mom. It's...Now that I see it, it's so permanent. 我不想,妈妈...现在看到了,才感觉永远弄不掉的话有点麻烦。
Young lady, I swear to god I will spank4 you. 丫头,我对天发誓我会打你屁屁的。



1 tattoo LIDzk     
  • I've decided to get my tattoo removed.我已经决定去掉我身上的纹身。
  • He had a tattoo on the back of his hand.他手背上刺有花纹。
2 tattooing 9ae3b41e759d837059c12a997af5ca46     
n.刺字,文身v.刺青,文身( tattoo的现在分词 );连续有节奏地敲击;作连续有节奏的敲击
  • tattooing and body piercing 文身和穿体装饰
  • On earth most work of the absolute shy cattle ^s skin-tattooing world! 地球上最牛的纹身绝对惊世之作! 来自互联网
3 bailing dc539a5b66e96b3b3b529f4e45f0d3cc     
  • Both fountains were going furiously and both pumps bailing with might and main. 两个人的口水只管喷泉似地朝外涌,两个抽水机全力以赴往外抽水。
  • The mechanical sand-bailing technology makes sand-washing operation more efficient. 介绍了机械捞砂的结构装置及工作原理,提出了现场操作注意事项。
4 spank NFFzE     
  • Be careful.If you don't work hard,I'll spank your bottom.你再不好好学习,小心被打屁股。
  • He does it very often.I really get mad.I can't help spank him sometimes.他经常这样做。我很气愤。有时候我忍不住打他的屁股。

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