摩登家庭第六季 第98期:明白姐姐对我的真感情了
时间:2019-04-04 00:46:57
Why are we stopping? 我们为什么停下?
For many, a near-miss with death is a wake-up call. 对许多人来说,濒死体验是一种警钟。
But when a man misses his own near-miss, he truly sees what he's been
missing1. 但当你差一点就没赶上,差一点就死的体验才会真正醒悟自己错失了什么。
No more putting my dreams on hold. Five years ago, I made a bucket list. It was time to start crossing things off. 我的梦想经不起等待。五年前,我做了一个遗愿清单。是时候开始行动了。
Scariest moment of my life. 人生恐怖瞬间之极。
Oh, my gosh. I thought I lost you! 天啊,我还以为失去你了!
But amazingly, something great came out of it. I found out how my sister truly feels about me. 但神奇的是,有好事发生了。我知道姐姐对我的真感情了。
Girls, are you sure? 姑娘们,真的吗?
Positive. We'll walk home. We almost died. 真的,我们走回家。我们差点就死了。
Yeah. 是啊。
A-about what you said in the car... 你在车里说的那句...
Please don't make fun of me right now. 拜托现在不要取笑我。
No, I would never. It was actually really honest. And I need to stop taking shots at your intelligence. 没,我永远不会取笑你的。其实你说得好坦诚。我不该再挖苦你的智商了。
You don't do it that often. 你也不是经常那样做。
Well, you miss a lot of it. There, I did it again. 因为很多次你都没听懂。看哪,我又那样做了。
Did what? 做什么了?
Uh, it doesn't matter. 无关紧要。
I always considered you to be this self-absorbed person, but you're more
substantial2 than that, aren't you? 我一直认为你是很自私的人,不过其实你挺有深度的,是吗?
Thank you. 谢谢你。
You know what? I'm blowing off
judo3 today. Let's hang out. What should we do? 这样吧,我今天不去学柔道了。我们一起玩。我们做什么好呢?
Makeovers. 给你改变造型。
Okay. 好吧。
Great! 太好了!