摩登家庭第六季 第103期:我决定永远不开车了
时间:2019-04-04 00:57:13
He's terrified to be in the back. Now you're gonna put him in the front seat so that he can kill all of us? ! 他坐后面就够害怕的了。现在你要让他坐前座,这样他就能把我们都弄死了?!
Can you not make this fear worse? I watched Dede coddle Mitchell when he was afraid of the dark. 你能别火上浇油了吗?我看过米奇尔怕黑的时候,迪迪是怎么过分呵护他的。
Till he was seven, he'd only
blink1 one eye at a time -- gave a lot of girls a very wrong idea. 他到七岁还是眨眼每次只眨一边...害得不少女生误会了。
Manny, you don't want to do this right? 曼尼,你不想这么做对吧?
No, I really don't. 不,我不想。
Okay, papi, you know what? Let's switch. I'm going to drive. 好的,宝贝,要不我们换吧。我来开。
I've got a bombshell, mom. 我很怕
Ay, papi, thank you, but this is a very
weird2 thing to say when we're in this position. 宝贝,多谢,但是我们这个姿势说这种话太诡异了。
No, I've
decided3 I'm never driving. 不,我决定永远不开车了。
No way. You there. You there. We're doing this my way. 不行。你坐这,你坐那。按我说的做。
Ah, yeah, 'cause it's your way or the highway. 每次都是要么按你说的做要么就滚蛋
Oh, God. Not the highway. 天啊,不要上高速。
You always want me to be his dad. Well, I'm being his dad. 你一直让我像个父亲一样教导他。我这不是在做吗。
Oh, uh, I-I'm really scared, Jay. 我真的好怕,杰。
This is what we're fixing. Look, when I was a kid, I lived by a big, scary black lake. 这就是我们要解决的问题。我还是个孩子的时候,住在一个巨大的吓人的黑色湖旁。
I always thought there monsters in there and whatnot. 我一直觉得湖里有怪兽。
One night, my dad dragged me out of bed and
tossed4 me right in that cold water. 一天晚上,我爸把我拉下床然后直接把我踹进湖里。
I was never scared of that lake again. Now, give it some gas. 然后我就再也不怕那个湖了。踩油门吧。