摩登家庭第六季 第115期:给政府打匿名电话
时间:2019-04-04 01:14:15
Once we approach them with this, it's gonna be awfully1 hard for me to log in with my anonymous2 call to the city. 一旦我们利用这个接近他们后,我就会很难跟市政府打匿名电话了。
You're not gonna have to report anyone. 你没必要举报任何人。
Call me David Copperfield, 'cause I'm about to make a boat disappear. 叫我大卫·科波菲尔吧,因为我就要让一艘船消失了。
Hey, neighbors. I made you some banana bread. 邻居们,我给你们做了点香蕉面包。
Oh, I love banana bread. We have this at our dispensary, except we got weed in it. 我喜欢香蕉面包。我们的药房里也有这个,不过里面会加大麻。
But we could give this one to our kids as a trick. 但我们可以把你的面包给孩子们来耍他们。
This boat is really something. 这艘船真不错啊。
You know what we call her? "Jackpot"! - 'Cause you sell pot. 你知道我们怎么称呼她吗?"头奖"!-因为你卖大麻。
Holy cow, we never thought of that. 天啊,我们从来没想到这一点。
This is the best day of my life! 这是我这辈子最棒的一天!
Permission to come aboard and check her out? 我可以登上来好好瞧瞧她吗?
Yeah! That is, if you're talking about my boat and not my wife. 当然可以!前提是你说的是我的船,而不是我妻子。
Ooh, yeah, you can't climb aboard me. Well, not in the driveway, anyway. 是啊,你可不能登上我。在车道上不行。
This is so great. - Yeah. 这真是太棒了。-是啊。
Did you do something new with your hair? Did you get a new
wig3 or something? 你去做了头发吗?买了一顶新假发还是怎么?
Sweet boat like this belongs in the water, am I right? 这种漂亮的小船就该下水,对吧?
Well, you know, people who put their boat in the water, they only use it on the weekend. We get to use this baby every day. 把船推下水的人们只能在周末使用船。而我们每天都可以用。
Can you imagine visiting this boat every day in the marina? 你能想象每天都去码头上找这艘船吗?
You spend a bunch of money on something, you want people to see it. That's why I wear low-cut tops. 你花了很多钱买的东西就要让人们看见。所以我穿着低胸上衣。
Yeah! Listen up. I just got to be honest. We're having a hard time with the boat here. 是啊,听好了。我得说实话。我们对这艘船很有意见。
What, you don't like Jackpot? 什么,你不喜欢"头奖"吗?
gigantic4 and makes it pretty tough to park in our driveway. 它太大了,让我们很难在我们的车道上停车。
Well, that's because you open your doors onto our driveway, where we keep our boat. 那是因为你们侵犯到我们的车道了,我们的船停在这里。
Yes, and, according to city regulations, it shouldn't even be here. 是啊,根据城市规定它不该出现在这里。
"Regulations." Hear that? 规定,听到了吗?
Look, we really do want to keep this friendly. 听着,我们真的想保持友好。
And it's been here for three weeks. 这船都在这里停了三周了。
Yeah, and it's beautiful. - And it's tacky. - Settle down! - Hey, that is uncool! 是的,它很美。-很俗气。-冷静点!-你的话太难听了!
There are four
aces5 on the side of it. 船身上画着四张大A呢。