摩登家庭第六季 第117期:能给我们留点隐私吗?
时间:2019-04-04 01:15:39
Oh, no, Fizbo dropped his hat. Where did it go, Lizbo? 不,菲茨宝的帽子掉了。它去哪了,莉茨宝?
It's right there. 在那里。
There it is! 在这里呢!
No, Fizbo! No! 不!菲茨宝!不要!
What? I'm just putting my hat back on, Lizbo. 怎么了?我拿回了我的帽子,莉茨宝。
Oh, my -- 天呐...
Confetti -- 五彩纸屑...
I hope Fizbo knows how to vacuum. 希望菲茨宝知道怎么用吸尘器。
Who turned out the lights? ! 谁把灯关了?!
You're just spreading it around. 你把那些弄得到处都是。
I tried to be supportive for Lily. I really did, but I wanted to kill myself. 我试着对莉莉表示支持。我真的尝试了,但是我真的想死。
That's not part of the routine. 固定节目里没有这段。
She's a natural. Do it again. 她真有天赋。再来一次。
Okay, here we go. Nothing to it. Make it rain. 好的,来吧,不要紧。尿吧。
Yeah, I-I get it. You -- you can't pee with another guy looking at you. 好的 我明白。有别人看着你,你尿不出来。
Not a bad thing, by the way. Son of a gun, his middle name was Clark. 这不是什么坏事,顺便说一句。老天,胡佛的中间名原来是克拉克。
Jay! 杰!
May we have some privacy, please? 能给我们留点隐私吗?
For what? So that Joe can keep chewing on the electrical cord? 为什么?这样乔就可以继续咬电线了吗?
O-oh, we're -- we're not clapping for this? 我们,我们不为这鼓掌吗?
I told you that he was not ready, and when he is, why don't you let his mother take care of it? 我跟你说过他没准备好,为什么不让他母亲来照看他呢?
You have two kids that I don't know about? 你还有两个我不知道的孩子吗?